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  1. gpop1

    Taming a pair of cockatiels

    Most breeder of tiels will not consider hand taming a hatchling or a chick before its opened its eyes as there's no point unless the parent birds need assistance. Mother nature likes to breed heirs and spares so the first born get the best and grow the fastest and the younger chicks survive if...
  2. gpop1

    Taming a pair of cockatiels

    few tips: A tiel is not always happy to be out of there cage. They get use to being confined as they can get stressed when they are not allowed to return to the cage. The cage is also there home so they can get defensive when you enter there home. The only dangerous part of a tiel is the...
  3. gpop1

    Taming a pair of cockatiels

    That's good so they don't see you as a threat so now they just need to see you as a friend. Food is always the easiest way to make friends. A lot depending on what you feed on a regular bases. First check everything you want to try to make sure its bird safe. Don't worry to much about it being...
  4. gpop1

    Taming a pair of cockatiels

    It can be done but its going to be a slow uphill battle unless they were hand tame at some point in there lives. First step is to work out what kind of birds you have and how do they react to there environment. If they sit close to each other they are probably bonded which makes splitting...
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