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  1. TamingMaster

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Maybe all six of my birds, my snake, my dogs + one more, gerbils, and a snail? I feel you there; my oldest is really slowing down now and it's not a great thing to see. Ooh, nice! We definitely have the time for things like that, now. 😂 Chicks!! What breeds? I do!
  2. TamingMaster

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    I'm glad you're good and staying safe! I've heard a lot about people taking classes online; it's pretty cool. XD I've been alright, busy with life. Started working in animal care, building confidence in what I can do, etc. Which is pretty nice. :3 How are your dogs?
  3. TamingMaster

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    How's life been? XD
  4. TamingMaster

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    *blows dust off thread* :lau
  5. TamingMaster

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Tired and busy. Yourself? XD
  6. TamingMaster

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    All the puppers and a fish. XD
  7. TamingMaster

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Howdy! How have you been? :3
  8. TamingMaster

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    I'm the exact opposite. If I'm even allowed to see an animal, I bond with it pretty much instantly. No matter what it is. :P Like, recently, I've bonded with a cat I don't even know the name of, I just call it Kitty. It sits with my chickens, so now it's part of the crew? XD
  9. TamingMaster

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    :hugs This is why y'all need a password book or something. XD I'm so sorry about Gracie! :( :hugs
  10. TamingMaster

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Oh wow. XD I'm okay, I guess. You?
  11. TamingMaster

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Tired, mostly. Otherwise, I've been okay. XD You should make a big picture of a chicken, out of all of your eggs, then enter it in the official BYC art competition. XD
  12. TamingMaster

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    That's good to hear!! :3
  13. TamingMaster

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Hey, Blue! It's been a while! How have you been?
  14. TamingMaster

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    I'm glad you're good. :3 Awe. ;--; :hugs
  15. TamingMaster

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    I'm glad you're good. :3 Awe. ;--; :hugs
  16. TamingMaster

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Hi!! How have you been? :3
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