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  1. Mountain Peeps

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Hello long lost friends! I have no clue if any of you are still online these days, but I wanted to inform all of you that my chicken book, "Sufficient Chicken Keeping" is officially compete and published on Amazon! Lots of you know I've been working on this for years and that BYC has been a...
  2. Mountain Peeps

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    WOW I've missed talking to you on here!:hugs:hugs
  3. Mountain Peeps

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    I'm studying a lot this year, physics, consumer mathematics, latin, theology, world history, philosophy, and ancient literature. It's been super fun!! Awww!
  4. Mountain Peeps

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Nope, not on break for another couple weeks. School's going good, just lots of work. What about for you?
  5. Mountain Peeps

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Thanks sis!:hugs:hugs Aww poor girl! I'm glad she's getting better though; she has the best treatment;):) Welcome back! IKR?! I'm so excited for Christmas too!
  6. Mountain Peeps

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Blue, I love your avatar
  7. Mountain Peeps

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Thank you:hugs Yeah, it's not fun at all.:(:hugs
  8. Mountain Peeps

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    They're doing good however I lost Gracie a couple weeks ago. She was my favorite:hit:hitAnd this was my first time losing a flock member, which is pretty amazing considering I've had them so long but man, it was sad.:( How are your birds?:)
  9. Mountain Peeps

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    :cool: I'm good, really missing my brother who's been gone for like 6 weeks. Haha yeah I almost forgot mine when I came back to BYC as well
  10. Mountain Peeps

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Lit! That's great to hear! The lodge is pretty slow these days but that's okay since we're busy with remodeling projects, school, and other things.
  11. Mountain Peeps

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    She hath returned!!:hugs Oh my goodness yes it has!! I've missed you!:hugs I'm doing grand, how about you? :) Hey Shannon, how are you?:) Sup Daniel:cool: The peeps are back folks!!!:eek::celebrate
  12. Mountain Peeps

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    First snow of the season!!
  13. Mountain Peeps

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Ed Sheeran is one of my favorite artists of all time. That song is amazing. His lyrics are so deep and meaningful. Have you listened to the Divide album??
  14. Mountain Peeps

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Interesting. I'll have to go see it :)
  15. Mountain Peeps

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    That's also good to hear the majority of yours are doing well. :) Mine are 6 years old now!!!
  16. Mountain Peeps

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Yeah, they're pretty annoyed! Lol. I actually still have my same five: Gracie, Sunny, Daisy, Rosie, and Quanie. They're all healthy and happy, just very old. What about you? Any new birds? :)
  17. Mountain Peeps

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Yup, that's exactly what it is. We hadn't seen any all summer and then just in the past 3 weeks or so, we've seen at least 7 DIFFERENT ones!:eek: They are desperate and destructive this time of year so no treats for the chickens as it will just attract them more.:hmm
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