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  1. Bantambird

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    It's your profile page that pops up when you click yourself.
  2. Bantambird

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    We have a Savannah cat. Her name is Chloe.
  3. Bantambird

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Case in point: my oldest child is 14. Some of you may be young enough to be my children
  4. Bantambird

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    I'm a grown up so I can endanger myself all day long and other grown ups just roll their eyes at me.
  5. Bantambird

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Tamingmaster is in great Britain, that's why she is ahead of you.
  6. Bantambird

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Chicks should only be gifts if you've already prepared for them I got these cuties as a gift from my DH to bolster my Marans line!
  7. Bantambird

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    I naturalized crocus, snowdrops, and grape Hyacinth for early blooming in my yard. I'm in the Montana high plains, and my crocus are blooming already!
  8. Bantambird

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    Fancy celebratory meal.
  9. Bantambird

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    I take it there are no cats in that room?
  10. Bantambird

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    It's the first breathing hole a baby bird made when hatching.
  11. Bantambird

    Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!

    One Punch Man. Certainly one of the best Anime from last year for sure. So. Hilarious! I tried to get my DH to watch since my kids are a bit young yet... But no go. The only anime I can get him to watch with me is Sword Art Online.
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