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  1. chickenjoe12

    Granny's gone and done it again

    6 poo f my suprise eggs have hatched another is hatching
  2. chickenjoe12

    Granny's gone and done it again

    My suprise eggs are hatching
  3. chickenjoe12

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I was thinking that I'll buy meal worms for them
  4. chickenjoe12

    Granny's gone and done it again

    It said that they eat worms and beetles etc but I don't know if I could give chick crumb
  5. chickenjoe12

    Granny's gone and done it again

    So I don't know if the lapwing eggs will hatch or not because my brother moved them to the side of the field for half a day to see I parent will find them and sit on them and u gave to have some golf balls in with them otherwise the chicken doesn't think there is any eggs. Fingers crossed that...
  6. chickenjoe12

    Granny's gone and done it again

    a lapwibg is a wild bird species in Europe not sure if you have them in america
  7. chickenjoe12

    Granny's gone and done it again

    We got some lapwings eggs from a field we've been ploughing and are going to doing again and some other stuff so I've put them under a broody hen thoughts?
  8. chickenjoe12

    Granny's gone and done it again

    i have 14 bantams and one brahma in my flock i dis agree that they are smarter my polish two are pretty ditzy
  9. chickenjoe12

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I get a varity of eggs from my mixed flock here are a few i even aranged them for you
  10. chickenjoe12

    Granny's gone and done it again

    milo was just dreaming his head feet and nose were all twiching
  11. chickenjoe12

    Granny's gone and done it again

    thank you your pupper is adorable too
  12. chickenjoe12

    Granny's gone and done it again

  13. chickenjoe12

    Granny's gone and done it again

    my 4 years old puppy milo giving a fly a dirty look just a second after this picture he tried to catch it does it all rhe time not the dirty look though
  14. chickenjoe12

    Granny's gone and done it again

    bloop bloop
  15. chickenjoe12

    Granny's gone and done it again

    What time is it where you all live
  16. chickenjoe12

    Granny's gone and done it again

    @granny hatchet no i just wondered you just talk abit on here
  17. chickenjoe12

    Granny's gone and done it again

    do you @granny hatchet know @Wishing4Wings
  18. chickenjoe12

    Granny's gone and done it again

    i have 2 polish cross buff orpington
  19. chickenjoe12

    Granny's gone and done it again

    my flock consists of 2 booted bantam cockerels 5 booted bantam hens 1 pekin 1 pekin cross booted bantam 2 frizzle polish 2 polish cross orpington 1 polish cross booted bantam 1 polish cross orpington cross booted bantam and of course my big ol brahma
  20. chickenjoe12

    Granny's gone and done it again

    i would just like to ask about everyones flocks and what is in them because i have a very mixed flock to say the least
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