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  1. DottiesMum

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Yes, all seasons same for Australia, down under I don't think much notice is taken of the solstices, probably as neither nation is really drenched in that kind of history, NZ isn't much older than a couple of hundred years from it's discovery and it's certainly never been part of the original...
  2. DottiesMum

    Granny's gone and done it again

    And feeling like rubbish in the process when the after affects kick in, brain dead gormless is how I see it. Coming from a long line of farming stock alcohol has never been a big feature down through the generations, a sherry or two at Christmas time may be had by the women and a whiskey or two...
  3. DottiesMum

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Yes! became officially summer on the 1st Dec, we get a bit spoilt though over the years as summer weather can arrive prior to that as in late October early November so based on that data this year summer weather has dragged her chain, and she's having a slow day today with what looks like rain...
  4. DottiesMum

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Now that's funny,
  5. DottiesMum

    Granny's gone and done it again

    And you Dear Granny, rest easy please.
  6. DottiesMum

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Artificial job in this house, it's been a long time lot of years since I have been remotely near a real Christmas tree, they get put in a tub of dirt if I remember rightly, oh yeah sure two cats access to dirt inside the house, nooooo that ain't ever gonna happen! I know what you mean on pain...
  7. DottiesMum

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Hehehe, looks like were are on the same track of thought, Sophie has seen the tree before so on further consideration I think it only fair that Love should see it too. Jobs a gooden, I'll get it up next week whilst he's out earning our keep. Aw rotten having pain to contend with, glad it's on...
  8. DottiesMum

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I have plans to, DH well he thinks too much drama as we have a two year old and a five year old cat, he persuaded me not to last year so just put other decorations up, right now though it's a 50/50 thing, if any baubles get broken due to hi-jinks it's not as if they are encased in 24 carrot...
  9. DottiesMum

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Nor me, and in all honesty once I am on the third glass of any alcohol I am in the realms of officially drunk. Excluding cider (occasionally) I gave the rest away somewhere in my 30's, hubby doesn't drink either, yet we have some friends that their drinking pattern is a religious cycle of...
  10. DottiesMum

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Good morning Granny, ....ROFL at cheating, deffo points for trying! Is a cure all for a raging hangover, two versions, Kiwi and Aussie. The Kiwi recipe is two ingredients milk in saucepan, throw 2 medium sized decapitated fish heads in, heat slowly. When that's done into a blender and frappe...
  11. DottiesMum

    Granny's gone and done it again

    LOL, and I'll tell you tomorrow about 'hot fish milkshakes'....go on take a punt as to what they are used have some hours to think on it!
  12. DottiesMum

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Of course you did, no question about it, and my God they are gorgeous, what amazing colours, wow!
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