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  1. I Love Layers

    Surviving Minnesota!

    It’s been a while since I’be been on here! Came home for the weekend and decided to hop on. Some new are things, sold most of the Cochins, still have two left that I’m wanting to sell. Layer flock is pretty reduced now, I think my dad is planning on selling most of them sometime this fall. I’ve...
  2. I Love Layers

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Beautiful day today, hopefully we don't end up with 6-10 inches in a few days though
  3. I Love Layers

    Surviving Minnesota!

    We have had a couple cold windy days here, this morning the wind-chill is at -9. I was hoping to go shed hunting but with the wind today that north quarter will be cold. This is a picture I got on Wednesday while out riding Track started Monday, yesterday the NDHSAA suspended all...
  4. I Love Layers

    Surviving Minnesota!

    We had a beautiful day yesterday, did some productive things in the morning and then we rode horse for a while in the afternoon. My horse enjoyed being in the water.
  5. I Love Layers

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Thought I was going to get the coops cleaned today. Not happening 25mph winds with gusts up to 60.
  6. I Love Layers

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Busy week at school for me. So far the weekend has been relaxing, went to town to workout, went on a ride with my sister afterwards, threw rocks on ice chunks in the creek and did some chores. Tomorrow I have to clean both coops, should be a good day for that. I did get cleared to run yesterday...
  7. I Love Layers

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Cozumel, my grandparents live here for a majority of the year! A lot of people seem to be asking me that:rolleyes:
  8. I Love Layers

    Surviving Minnesota!

    -18 at home, 80 where I'm at right now, can't complain
  9. I Love Layers

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Yep, and I'm actually thinking closer $1500, since two of them are full grown cocks, 12-15 pounds each
  10. I Love Layers

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Shipping is to high to talk to him. Especially since the person on the other end is getting 8 LF Cochins, I wouldn't want to see the shipping cost for that
  11. I Love Layers

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Looking for someone traveling from Kansas, Nebraska, or Avoca Iowa to North Dakota that would be willing to take birds to and from those locations. If any of you hear of anyone let me know🙂🙂
  12. I Love Layers

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Does anyone feed their bantams different feed or different sized feed from their large fowl. I've always bought chick crumble for the show birds, and that's what my younger sisters bantam wyandottes eat also. Well a few weeks ago the elevator didn't have chick feed so I bought regular layer...
  13. I Love Layers

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Bubbles in the creek this morning from fast running water over a beaver dam a ways up stream.
  14. I Love Layers

    Surviving Minnesota!

    We had a very pretty sunset again yesterday
  15. I Love Layers

    Surviving Minnesota!

    They are about the same year round, some are naturally friendlier than others. The bucks in general are friendlier, and this one is probably the friendliest of all of them. In the summer they definitely aren't as needy I guess, whereas in the winter they'll run up to you, in the summer you have...
  16. I Love Layers

    Surviving Minnesota!

    The Cochins and one of my favorite yard rabbits
  17. I Love Layers

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Wow talk about foggy yesterday, morning was probably 1/8 mile visibility, last night was no more than 200 feet in front of you! Both of my sister's Wyandotte pullets are broody, the cockerel is kinda bummed right now
  18. I Love Layers

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I've had a busy last few days, I had therapy, a wedding rehearsal and a prayer service on Thursday evening. Friday I had a funeral and a wedding. I got home yesterday morning, cleaned, made a dessert, siblings and a friend and I went outside in the afternoon, I rode horse (first time in 5...
  19. I Love Layers

    Surviving Minnesota!

    We are up to -8° today, wind-chill is only bring it down to the mid -20s today. Birds will enjoy this nicer weather. The Wyandotte pullet has 5 eggs under her, hopefully they all hatch and then I think my sister will be done hatching she doesn't want to sell any
  20. I Love Layers

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I swear it's never going to end. My room is currently 55 🥶
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