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  1. BantyChooks

    Surviving Minnesota!

    This is why I live far, far away from the south. :oops:
  2. BantyChooks

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Not great... hope you recover well.
  3. BantyChooks

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Nice looking birds.
  4. BantyChooks

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Some Polish lines (okay, most of them) seem to have issues with hardiness. I hear a lot of stories about high fatality rates among them. I've had similar issues with a line of another breed.
  5. BantyChooks

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Have I ever mentioned how I hate scraping windows at 6 in the morning? Because I do. Hi, MNers.
  6. BantyChooks

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Lucky duck. Didn't make it to 5 without rain here. Frost tonight... again. Expecting that the water bowls will start freezing over soon. Been a bit of a late start to winter, but I'm not complaining. 40* weather is perfect for getting stuff done.
  7. BantyChooks

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I often wait until they're fully filled out, which takes close to a year. Partly because I want to make sure I don't accidentally eat a keeper, and partly because I don't feel like going to all that effort just to get a quail sized bird. I'd rather max my effort-to-meat ratio even if it does...
  8. BantyChooks

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I've really been enjoying the under-40 weather. I keep garnering pissed-off looks in the morning from family members that think windows should be closed once it hits 50, because I refuse to take the fans out of the window.
  9. BantyChooks

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Or here... I am worried about losing my tomatoes before I get to harvest them. O.o
  10. BantyChooks

    Surviving Minnesota!

    :( So sorry.
  11. BantyChooks

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I suggest shouting "DIBS" as loud as you can when you find a particularly nice one amongst your growouts next year...
  12. BantyChooks

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Heh, as long as it doesn't get on their feathers, it's fine.
  13. BantyChooks

    Surviving Minnesota!

    No, they can get it if they have diarrhea, which provides an ideal breeding location for flies (and can easily go unnoticed by humans.)
  14. BantyChooks

    Surviving Minnesota!

    It's been 60 above recently! It's definitely more prevalent down south, but I've had it happen to my birds twice now. And yes, it does seem to happen due to underlying issues. My rooster had been acting weird for the last month before he got it.
  15. BantyChooks

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Sorry BC. I lost my best rooster to fly strike recently... it was just too late when I found him.
  16. BantyChooks

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Hmmm... I could live with that. My chickens would appreciate it. Maybe I'll be among the huge rush of residents to Togo after that new sewer system is installed.
  17. BantyChooks

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I think he is biased against non-residents of Minnesota... which makes no sense, because Icelanders are way cooler. :cool:
  18. BantyChooks

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Poor girl. :fl He's mean. Maybe we should ignore him and win anyway, eh?
  19. BantyChooks

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Morning. I win.
  20. BantyChooks

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Holms, I suggest doing the direct opposite of whatever Ralphie says to you.
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