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  1. Tumbling K

    Chickens In Ya Window

    No devices at the table.
  2. Tumbling K

    Chickens In Ya Window

    that is pretty cool, WV kwite, I agree. it still amazes me, to see kids so absorbed into their electronic device, walking through a store, with their eyes glued to the little screen, and I just look at them and shake my head. and when you look at the parents, they are doing the same thing.
  3. Tumbling K

    Chickens In Ya Window

    the only good thing about a rainy weekend, when I can't get outside to finish all the honey's to do list, is the dirty jobs marathon on tv.
  4. Tumbling K

    Chickens In Ya Window

    not sure just heard the term. but thought it was those guys that wear skinny jeans, have their hair styled complete with highlights, will get facials, pedicures and manicures and still try to dress like they are a teenager, even tho they are over 30
  5. Tumbling K

    Chickens In Ya Window

    yes, he can but, a real man would never cry in public, but wouldn't care what anyone thought if he did. a metero sexual man would cry in public for the this come from Mike Rowe. I think.
  6. Tumbling K

    Chickens In Ya Window

    a real man, never cries in public.
  7. Tumbling K

    Chickens In Ya Window

    there's allot to be said for number 2 mainly, wipe 'til white.
  8. Tumbling K

    Chickens In Ya Window

    anything is edible with enough ketchup and wrapped in bacon.
  9. Tumbling K

    Chickens In Ya Window

    lol go on and let him know about his old flocker.
  10. Tumbling K

    Chickens In Ya Window

    dangit and I was just about to reply. lol
  11. Tumbling K

    Chickens In Ya Window

    That's what she said.
  12. Tumbling K

    Chickens In Ya Window

    nah, I never really got into changing diapers.
  13. Tumbling K

    Chickens In Ya Window

    kids are a blessing, truly. but the reality is, I'm hoping that one of them will like me enough when I'm old and senile to take care of me. oh and will be rich too. I'm just improving my odds! my mother in law came from a family of 13 would have been 15 but two died young. My wife came...
  14. Tumbling K

    Chickens In Ya Window

    I could deer hunt on our place, except we mostly just have does. we live in a buck only county, unless you have MDL. I enjoy duck, so long as I'm cooking it. lol treat them like backstrap from deer. that means proper blood letting and then sliced 1/2" thick, marinate, egg batter and fried...
  15. Tumbling K

    Chickens In Ya Window

    you know I used to deer hunt allot. once I had kids, I changed my focus. We duck hunt more now. I think duck hunting is better for the younger kids. first they get to ride in a boat. second they don't have to be quiet or very still. well they do, but only when birds are working the...
  16. Tumbling K

    Chickens In Ya Window

    my drive in this morning was a balmy 75. we are right in line for our November temps. lol we've celebrated many Christmas's in shorts, and flipflops.
  17. Tumbling K

    Chickens In Ya Window

    well unfortunately for me, and my choice for employment, that is exactly what happens. I posted on another thread about putting up lights all around the house, just to be able to get some work done when I get home.
  18. Tumbling K

    Chickens In Ya Window

    I work for an engineering/procurment/construction company. my office, has a desk, a computer, a window, 4 walls, with a door. I really appreciate the door, it let's me walk in and out whenever I like. lol
  19. Tumbling K

    Chickens In Ya Window

    true that. I could have been posting a couple hours ago, but was driving to the office. I really dislike having to work on Fridays.
  20. Tumbling K

    Chickens In Ya Window

    is this the Asian look to which you often refer sc?
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