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  1. bobzant

    chicken pearls???

    I'm not exactly sure where to put this question but I was looking up cemari chickens because I found them to be absolutely gorgeous, and this thing kept coming up for "chicken pearls". Does anyone have any idea what they are? They look like gall stones or something of that sort to me. Can't...
  2. bobzant

    Calling all Jap Bantam Owners!!!

    This is my 2 yr old named Wonton. I think he's quite the handsome feller.
  3. bobzant

    Show off your baby chicks!

    Omg so cute! I need some of these to add to my collection!
  4. bobzant

    Extreme Cranial Swelling-Graphic pics

    Have you tried an antibiotic? This could be a number of things so I'd try something like that too.
  5. bobzant

    comb problems.

    So I take it it's contagious?
  6. bobzant

    Broodies and their Babies Contest! PRIZE! Ends 8-15-13!

    Jalapeño and her first brood of 8 babies. 100% hatch rate!
  7. bobzant

    feed store chick

    Thanks everyone, after your suggestions and some research, she is most definitely a Phoenix!
  8. bobzant

    feed store chick

    Yes whitish and kind of metallic
  9. bobzant

    feed store chick

    I'm looking for the breed I'm sorry.
  10. bobzant

    Ba-dinky-dink Bantam Show! (Ends 7/31)

    Name: Pebbles Color: mottled Breed: cochin
  11. bobzant

    feed store chick

    I got a chick at the feed store that was colored exactly like my oegb. She has turned out rather large for a bantam. She is birchen in color except her chest which is a rosy color, she has blue/grey legs and iridescent ear lobes. At first I thought she was an ee because of the color and legs but...
  12. bobzant

    comb problems.

    I have a black tailed buff japanese and a couple of his offspring that seem to keep getting a recurring fungal infection on their combs. I have some medicine for it but it seems like it just comes right back. Now I also have a mottled cochin that has a crazy lop comb that seems to have something...
  13. bobzant

    comb problems.

    I have a black tailed buff japanese and a couple of his offspring that seem to keep getting a recurring fungal infection on their combs. I have some medicine for it but it seems like it just comes right back. Now I also have a mottled cochin that has a crazy lop comb that seems to have something...
  14. bobzant

    rooster chick swollen knee

    If you have a lot of chicks he may have gotten trampled by the others. Id say give it a few days and see if he gets better. I always try to give them the benefit of the doubt.
  15. bobzant

    rooster chick swollen knee

    Sounds like maybe it was almost dislocated in the egg when it was developing. Idk if you could try and splint it where it belongs or something.
  16. bobzant

    rooster with something on his comb

    What I have is called entederm. Ntstatin: neomycin sulfate-thiostrepton-triamcinolone acetonide ointment
  17. bobzant

    rooster chick swollen knee

    Okay now I see a picture. It almost looks fluid filled, is it hard oe squishy?
  18. bobzant

    rooster chick swollen knee

    Any way you could post a pic? And are there any visible sores near the area? Does the joint move at all?
  19. bobzant

    rooster with something on his comb

    I have a 2 yr old japanese rooster with this bizzare white stuff all over his comb and it smells odd. It looks like it could be a fungus. So I put some stuff on it I got for a fungal infection in another chicken. Any ideas what it might be? I'll try to get pics.
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