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  1. ericnash

    duh chicks

    This is a great resource! Welcome to BYC forum.
  2. ericnash

    Introducing Baby Chicks Thread

    I think they are too young to be together. This is my personal belief. When I introduce young chickens to a flock I want them to be large enough to "hold their own" when the older chicks establish the pecking order. I think that if you introduce these chicks before then they will be killed...
  3. ericnash

    I found what was killing my flock... me

    Thank you again for the support everyone! This forum is wonderful opportunity to find information, share thoughts and experiences.
  4. ericnash

    I found what was killing my flock... me

    My concern is also with the amount of wild birds that ate the weed killer and fertilizer and are now dead. I did not think about them until after the fact.
  5. ericnash

    I found what was killing my flock... me

    This is sad, I just read about a person that has 7 chickens and they ate weed killer as well. I hope she has better luck than I did. I will not be putting down fertilizer or weed killer again. I worry too about the amount of wild birds that ate off from my lawn. This was a tough mistake and...
  6. ericnash

    My chicken ate weed killer! Please Help!

    This happened to me. My chickens did not show any signs or symptoms of sickness and they just started to die. Chickens can not throw up and are unable to get the material out of their stomaches. You have to wait and see what happens. Mine started to die after about 24 hours. I hope you...
  7. ericnash

    I found what was killing my flock... me

    Thank you for the support and kind words everyone! When I talk to family and friends about this incident, they shrug thier shoulders and don't understand the connection between myself and my flock. Posting on BYC forum has made me feel better and you have all lifted my spirits a great deal...
  8. ericnash

    I found what was killing my flock... me

    I would avoid the grub chemicals and let your chickens do the work for you! Best of luck
  9. ericnash

    What foods can change the taste eggs? IS it possible?

    I have heard of garlic and onion as well. I have always wanted to feed them garlic to give it a try, because that sounds like an interesting flavor to me.
  10. ericnash

    I found what was killing my flock... me

    My goal was a simple one; a beautiful, green, lush front lawn. I purchased a bag of weed and feed that was on sale from my local hardware store and set myself to work. My chickens were safely tucked away in their coop and 24X24 exterior closure, a great distance from my half hearted attempt at...
  11. ericnash

    Why did my chicken die?

    no, they do not have any symptoms. I do not understand what is going on. They are very active and seem happy. They are eating and drinking as well.
  12. ericnash

    PLEASE HELP!!! 2 of my chickens have died in the last 3 days!

    The chickens are 1 year old. They were healthy and active. I came out to check eggs in the a.m. and found 1 lying in her nesting box. She had laid the egg, but fell over dead. No mites, no feather loss. The second chicken was found a few hours ago. She was in the coop, face down (same...
  13. ericnash

    Why did my chicken die?

    I understand that and I appreciate your response. What I am looking for is a dirction so that I do not loose anymore of my flock.
  14. ericnash

    High mortality for newly hatched chicks - Bleeding out and deformity

    what about the humidity level? If the yolk sac was still stuck to the chick I wonder if the humidity level was too low. Also, what about the egg turner. Near the 19 day mark you are supposed to stop turning the eggs and leave the air sac up. Was this the case?
  15. ericnash

    PLEASE HELP!!! 2 of my chickens have died in the last 3 days!

    I have lost 2 chickens in the last 3 days. They seemed very active and healthy and the next day I found them both dead in the coop. I don't understand what is wrong. I only have 3 left and I am afraid that I am going to lose them! Any ideas?
  16. ericnash

    Why did my chicken die?

    I just lost another one today so I don't think it is b/c they just die!
  17. ericnash

    When do I start feeding chicks regular food?

    I think that is too soon to add adult food to their diet. The research I have done says that 18 weeks is a good age. The diet is formulated for development and I believe to develop a healthy chick that will grow slowly into a healthy egg layer she needs to be on formulated chick feed until the...
  18. ericnash

    my chicken just died is it safe to eat the eggs?

    After reading a lot of articles on the subject, I decided to deworm my chickens. They 4 birds that I have left seem happy and active today. I wonder if she had a heart attack while laying.
  19. ericnash

    Odd behavior and Styro foam

    I have learned the chickens are funny of what they will eat and what they won't. My birds do not like hard vegetables or fruits, but they will eat balloons (from bday parties). I try to keep everything that they shouldn't eat out of their reach just in case they get curious!
  20. ericnash

    Yum or Yuck?

    haha, nope, but I am!!! Where's my prize ;)
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