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  1. griffinkid02

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    What a beautiful, flat back in the second pic.
  2. griffinkid02

    How does one deactivate their BYC acct?

    One might want to deactivate their account to make a point, officially "Quitting" instead just not being around. And simply deactivating would be so much simpler than trying go back and turn off every thread a person follows.
  3. griffinkid02


    Mine are kind of scratchy/croaky. But I don't find them annoying
  4. griffinkid02

    The road less traveled...back to good health! They have lice, mites, scale mites, worms, anemia, gl

    you know, I really love this thread, as well as the FF thread. I have truly enjoyed reading your wisdom Bee, and I am in tears right now, Because at this moment I truly have no intention of returning to BYC. I just had a thread locked regarding #15, when I asked (in pm) for further explination...
  5. griffinkid02

    Mealworm farming

    LMAO! That's hilarious. Sadly, in my neck of the woods, even though it is still illegal I have given up having friends who don't *ahem* "medicate" themselves on occasion. While I actually don't have any particular problem with the use of a naturally occurring herb to derive it's natural effects...
  6. griffinkid02

    National Coming Out Day

    You know, I've been a member on here for MONTHS now, and tonight was the first time it ever occured to me to search and see if there were any threads or conversations where us gay guys and gals actually openly talked about it.... I always just assumed that that any gay chicken people kept it to...
  7. griffinkid02

    Hello everyone

    Welcome, from Alabama. And yes a good saline rinse if it seems to be causing him irritation, beyond that not much you can do. If the damage caused him to loose sight int hat eye, then he won't get it back, which could explain why he holds it closed so often. The cruddy mucus is probably a...
  8. griffinkid02


    Yeah, I understand, I do have one RC roo that just outright wants to be a pet. He's figured out a way to escape the coop and is out side, right by the door every morning waiting for me and as soon as he sees me come running up and flies up onto my shoulder, and stays there until I have to shoo...
  9. griffinkid02

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Mad Vent and Rooster Schmutz..... best comments I've read all day.
  10. griffinkid02


    Not to be a downer, but that would actually be working in reverse, the Golden Seabright was developed using the Nankin as its base colore and just introducing the lacing and henfeathering in the roos. LoL It is a pity, about not living close enough, lol. I even called up the local 4H and FFA...
  11. griffinkid02

    im bored

    Sorry, felt the urge to rhyme you. Too much football I guess. The cheerleaders are getting inside my head
  12. griffinkid02

    im bored

    Come in side and shut the door!
  13. griffinkid02

    What do you wear on your feet in your coop area?

    I guess I need more chickens, poop just really is NOT a problem in my coop, it dries out and gets crumbled up and mixed into the litter on the floor long before it can accumulate and become nasty. And my coop floor stays dry, dry, dry. THAT"S IT! That's my justification for getting more...
  14. griffinkid02

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Anyone wanna throw some Goat Weed in the batch a week before slaughter?
  15. griffinkid02

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    AWESOME! So we DO have a results post... and that was just a week. Wonder how much it would affect it if you fed the whole period. Might aught to be careful on this..... Too strong an herb, or fed over too long might prove to be potent
  16. griffinkid02

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    *ahem* Oregano, please don't start eliminating states for this experiment.
  17. griffinkid02

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Personally I would start off with sage, it's a good all purpose herb, followed by oregan and/or basil. Simple common and cheap all. buy in bulk from some discount or bent and dent store and dump it in. Also if you REALLY feel enthusiastic do some research into some of the herbs that really pack...
  18. griffinkid02

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    We've had that discussion.... But I don't have meat birds at the moment and the handful of people that are trying it haven't reported back in yet. The theory seems sound, we know that wild game picks up the "gamey" taste from the variety of plants they consume, also I have few chicks herbs...
  19. griffinkid02


    I have 5 RC Nankin Roos that I will GIVE to anyone that is raising them and needs a new male. Not show quality, but not far off. I only have the attention span to work on one thing at a time, and I prefer the Single Combs.
  20. griffinkid02

    What do you wear on your feet in your coop area?

    Tennis shoes, or....... Barefoot. LoL. I have 28 Bantams in a 16x16 coop, there really is NOT that much poop, except under the roosts. And my birds don't have runny poos so the floor stays dry, anything I pick up will be gone by the time I walk through the grass back up to...
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