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  1. Kobold

    How does one tame a wild pigeon.

    I have in my possession a rescue pigeon who is quite flightless. I've already told his story in these forums (you can find it here ) Since he and I likely have a long future together, I'm interested in taming him as much as I can. Trouble is, I don't know how. Can someone please lend me some...
  2. Kobold

    Advice needed for a rescue pigeon.

    I suddenly and unexpectedly find myself the owner of a pigeon. I figured I'd post here and ask those more experienced than myself for their knowledge and wisdom. First, let me tell you a story. It's important to bear in mind that my budget is...tight. About two weeks ago, I go out to do a bit...
  3. Kobold

    Can chickens and a flightless pigeon live in harmony?

    Oh darn. So be it. For roughly the same effort I can build a proper 30''X30''X40'' pigeon cage. I know pigeons are social and need someone to cuddle up to at night during the winter. What can I do to keep Qetzo un-frozen and sane?
  4. Kobold

    New semi-flightless bird owner in West Virginia USA

    Quote: Sadly, no. His tendons are too damaged. The vet says he's likely grounded for life. I talk more about him in this thread if you have insight, I'd love guidance.
  5. Kobold

    New semi-flightless bird owner in West Virginia USA

    Hi, I recently acquired a flightless pigeon (courtesy of a troublesome local kid with a BB gun) and will be picking up my first chickens (two americauna chicks and two buff orpington chicks) later this week. I just thought I'd introduce myself, and this seems to be the place to do it. So, hi.
  6. Kobold

    Can chickens and a flightless pigeon live in harmony?

    Okay, I have a bird-themed situation in which chickens are a large factor, so I figured I'd join up here and ask those more experienced than myself. First, let me tell you a story. About two weeks ago, I go out to do a bit of light gardening, only to find a pigeon sitting on the back stoop...
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