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  1. Trekker

    Ended BYC YouTube Video Contest 2012 - Submit your videos about chickens

    The best way to raise chickens is to let nature take it course Mother Hen knows best.
  2. Trekker

    Can Bantam Roosters Breed with standard size Hens.

    I forgot to get back here with the happy news my Black Silkie Rooster bred one of my Barred Plymouth Rocks and the resulting chicken has mixed traits from both parents. It has the barred grey and white feathers and the grey/green legs, extra toe and feather legs of the Black silkie. The egg was...
  3. Trekker

    Can Bantam Roosters Breed with standard size Hens.

    That's encouraging it might be interesting to see what Silkie cross barred rock or rhode island red or jersey giant or white rock might look like. LOL
  4. Trekker

    Can Bantam Roosters Breed with standard size Hens.

    I should know in a couple of weeks my white plymouth rock is sitting on eggs laid by a variety of hens and the only rooster is my Black Silkie. He is almost the same size as my Rhode Island Red so there might be a possibility there.
  5. Trekker

    Looking for Bantam Pure Breed Hatching Eggs in Maritime Canada

    Hi I haven't even bought an incubator yet but if I could find some sources of hatching eggs of various Bantam breeds in Maritime Canada I would like to try hatching some to add to my little backyard flock. The eggs would need to be from Canadian sources because I can't bring US Hatching Eggs...
  6. Trekker

    New Brunswick, Canada

    Hi Everyone. I've done an introduction before but I thought I would do a little post on where I'm from. I live on a small Canadian Island, east coast Canada in the Bay of Fundy called Campobello. Less than a thousand people live here and I'm only aware of 2 or 3 people with backyard chickens. I...
  7. Trekker

    Keeping my girls happy and relieving the winter boredom.

    It's hard to tell who is having more fun me or the chickens.
  8. Trekker

    Keeping my girls happy and relieving the winter boredom.

    Thank you and Thanks for subscribing. I love spoiling them they are pets that just happen to give me breakfast. I'm awaiting spring hoping for broody hens to see what the cross breeds with my Black Silkie Rooster will look like.
  9. Trekker

    No carpenter me, so if I can do it anyone can

    Thank you the girls are very pleased with it too. LOL
  10. Trekker

    No carpenter me, so if I can do it anyone can

    Thank you I thought it would be very hard but I actually discovered that I enjoyed doing it and trying to solve the problems when they popped up. Good luck with your project.
  11. Trekker

    Keeping my girls happy and relieving the winter boredom.

    Thank you. I was sure mine would like the cabbage. Last summer whenever I took broccoli, brussels sprouts or cabbage out of the garden I gave them all of the leaves and they were crazy about it.
  12. Trekker

    No carpenter me, so if I can do it anyone can

    Three short videos that I made while I was building my little coop last year. Thought these might inspire other non builders. This was the first thing I ever built, not perfect but the chickens and I think it's quite comfortable. And the finishing touches:
  13. Trekker

    Keeping my girls happy and relieving the winter boredom.

    Thank you. I've done the cabbage thing a couple of times now they really enjoy it. They also like corn on the cob. Whenever it's on sale I buy a bunch and hang it up by the tops or stick it through the fence. This was there first corn cob when they were only 5 weeks old last summer.
  14. Trekker

    Keeping my girls happy and relieving the winter boredom.

    Hi everyone I thought you might like to see what I'm doing to keep the girls entertained during the long Canadian winter.
  15. Default


  16. Trekker

    Short video of my little mixed flock

    Earlier in the year several of you help me identify the different breeds I'm my little mixed flock so I thought you might like to see them now that they are almost fully grown. This little video clip was taken a few days ago.
  17. Trekker

    Seven week old standard size breed but what breed?

    Thanks everyone for all of your help. I just had a look at her feet and the bottoms are very yellow so for now I will say she is a Jersey Giant, which really pleases me I would love to have one. To see her and the other birds enjoying there new electric poultry netting enclosed yard click on my...
  18. Trekker

    Seven week old standard size breed but what breed?

    Quote: Still holding out hope for a Jersey Giant then. I have to go catch her this morning and check the feet.
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