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  1. critters


    No holes seen. Traps are out.
  2. critters


    I have traps out... thanks. Caught a few possums so far along with a cat.
  3. critters


    We have a pond in the back field. Whatever it is only eats at the fleshy parts and neck. Many years ago I had a Fischer come thru and wipe out most my young Muscovy ducklings and young guineas. Finially trapped him but it took whole bodies.
  4. critters


    It’s a good size coop with only 8 birds inside... now 7...use to be 12 ... I’ll get some steel wool and try that.
  5. critters


    Guess rats then... small vent opening at the roof top line... dang!
  6. critters


    Thank you.
  7. critters


    I’ve buried today’s hen. Kinda of of relief not to suspect the other birds.
  8. critters


    My hen house is pretty secure but I’ve lost 4 hens in the last few weeks, during their night time lock up. The birds were eaten, sides, necks wherever it seemed. Is it possible I have a or several killer birds? Unsure what’s causing their deaths but is it possible? Another thought would be...
  9. critters

    Cedar chips/flakes

    Can I use cedar flakes/chips for young chicks? My fella came home from the feed store with 26 baby chicks. I have cedar flakes on hand but am unsure if it was safe for them. Never used cedar on my baby guineas as heard they were bad for them.
  10. critters

    Lame young Guinea

    I have 8 three month old Guineas that I snatched up when momma Guinea strolled thru the front lawn showing them off. Had a family death that took me out of town for several weeks, leaving my critters in my fellas care. One of the young Guineas was wobbling around in the brooder, both knee...
  11. critters

    Muscovy duck eggs URGENT!

    I would wonder why or how all the eggs got scattered... Predator maybe? Does the odd egg resemble the other duck eggs? You wouldn't want to hatch out snakes or something on that line...Either way I would probably candle it to see what's going on with it.. If it smells definitely discard it..
  12. critters

    Muscovy on eggs!

    I have had one of my Muscovy drakes eat the duckling after hatch so you may want to keep an eye on any drakes that are around her... otherwise letting her set and hatch those eggs should be fine. My Muscovy hens have all been good mommas.
  13. critters

    Muscovy duckling won't keep head up

    Day old Muscovy duckling can't seem to keep its head up. It is the last egg left in nest from momma.. Others hatched and momma got off nest to care for them, leaving two unhatched eggs... One died during hatch and then this ones neck is 'off'.. As if it can't lift head, no cant keep head up. Any...
  14. critters

    Duckling in brooder die...

    My Muscovy hen hatched out nine duckling.. That evening three got out from under momma and were close to death.. I put the three in my incubator and they warmed up and were thriving. That was Sunday morning. I had put two eggs that had not hatched yet in the bator and Monday morning they had...
  15. critters

    Muscovy duck not on nest

    Had to move one of my Muscovy ducks nest and now she is upset. She was in neighbors out building. She hasn't sat on her eggs since.. This was around 2pm and it a bit after 6pm now.. How long do I give her before I need to put them in the incubator?? Worried the won't be viable ..
  16. critters

    False pregnancy in bloodhound

    I haven't heard about the dog flu but hope that's all it is. She has eaten some today so that's a good sign. Thanks for the well wishes!
  17. critters

    False pregnancy in bloodhound

    Ok went without an appointment ( have one for Wednesday ) as I worry about my girl Rose. White blood count normal and checked for and ruled out pyometra (sp?). Slightly dehydrated but only slightly. She got a B12 and Pepcid shot with pills for next few days and bland diet. If no improvement in...
  18. critters

    False pregnancy in bloodhound

    I no longer have a thermometer for the dogs... Something I need to pick-up.
  19. critters

    False pregnancy in bloodhound

    Already have an appointment set up but can't get in til Wednesday so I was just trying to get input from anyone that may have had similar experiences with their dogs. Thanks for your input!
  20. critters

    False pregnancy in bloodhound

    My one year old bloodhound had her first full heat 2 months ago... putting her into a false pregnancy and her 'due' date last Saturday. Well that night she threw up ( nothing but clear fluid) and had one episode of the runs when she went out to do her business. She turned her nose up to any...
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