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  1. scwheeler24

    Ideal 236???

    I have 12. Asked for 10, gave me 12, didn't lose any. They are now 24 weeks and all are laying except 1, maybe 2. I am averaging 10 a day right now. One nice thing i noticed is they all are done laying by noon. My last batch of mixed would lay till 4 or even 5 pm. I really like that. I go out...
  2. scwheeler24

    Managing Mosquitoes in the Coop

    First of all, DE will have NO EFFECT on Mosquitos or flies. A couple of ideas: google skeeterbag, $20 and you attach it to a $10 box fan. You can google youtube on a DIY version. By far the very best method. Youtube also has directions on using a simple soda bottle with brown sugar, water and...
  3. scwheeler24

    St. John's Wort

    Can 2-3 week old chicks show symptoms? My Ideal 236's all 12 of them(some worse) are wobbling around like robots, laying down, falling over. They are suppose to be more resistant to it, but I know of nothing else it may be.
  4. scwheeler24

    What is a Hyline Chicken?

    I don't know what they are, but I bought some eggs at our local healthfood store. These eggs were from Lockhart TX nearby. Came home looked them up and asked them what kind lays these dark colored eggs (they are pretty dark, large and roundish), and she said they were Hy-lines. IDK but they sure...
  5. scwheeler24

    Comment by 'scwheeler24' in item 'Andalusian'

    Dawna, these are Mediterranean birds and usually pretty jumpy, skiddish and flighty. Look up the Med breeds before adding them. BPR's and Orp are super duper docile. There are some you tube videos on these types, like Leghorns, Minorcas and these. From the 2 you have, I don't know if you would...
  6. scwheeler24

    Comment by 'scwheeler24' in item 'Andalusian'

    She is pretty, but I had to chuckle, why is the floppy comb a con?
  7. scwheeler24

    Comment by 'scwheeler24' in item 'Ancona'

    Where did you get them from?
  8. scwheeler24

    Comment by 'scwheeler24' in item 'Ancona'

    They sure are pretty though!
  9. scwheeler24

    Comment by 'scwheeler24' in item 'Ancona'

    I'd love to get an update on the size of the eggs now. I got all my hens(different kinds) from Ideal, and have been a bit disappointed with some of the sizes of the eggs. I sell my extras and my customers want the bigger eggs(can't blame them of course). I am considering Med birds but am weary...
  10. scwheeler24

    Comment by 'scwheeler24' in item 'Ancona'

    Pretty girl.
  11. scwheeler24

    Comment by 'scwheeler24' in item 'Ancona'

    Greatest names ever! And the pic just speaks that. Love it :)
  12. scwheeler24

    Marty’s Massive Chicken Breed Chart - 75+ Breeds!

    What a great chart. You obviously put some time into it. Thanks for sharing it with us. I would add my experiences to a couple of differences on it; Half my Barnies go broody. It's fall and I have one in the broody breaker as we speak. She was a terrific mom. I had to steer clear of her...
  13. scwheeler24

    FOWL POX do I treat lesions or leave them alone??????????

    I agree. This is in no way a hygiene or poor management problem. This is caused by a mosquito. I live in TX and closed coops can be disastrous. So many people in the south have open coops and their is no way to keep mosquitos out. It'll just have to run it's course, clean the coop. Maybe...
  14. scwheeler24

    Comment by 'scwheeler24' in article 'Avian Pox in Chickens - Warning, Graphic Pictures (under construction)'

    To help their recovery, I would add some extra nutrients to their diet. They'll be lethargic, pale, and not eat much. Adding Nutri-Drench to their water will help with energy, Performance Poultry or Rooster Booster Vitamins and electrolytes with lactobacillus to their water may help. give them...
  15. scwheeler24

    Comment by 'scwheeler24' in article 'Avian Pox in Chickens - Warning, Graphic Pictures (under construction)'

    Just to clarify, my statement about eating the meat may be confusing. I'd certainly eat the meat but wait till they have completely recovered.
  16. scwheeler24

    Comment by 'scwheeler24' in article 'Avian Pox in Chickens - Warning, Graphic Pictures (under construction)'

    Vaccines are a one time thing. There are 2. for young chicks and older than 6 weeks. If you get as chicks, they require a follow up at 6 weeks. It is a live vaccine, so once you mix it that's it. You cannot reuse it. If you order it the vaccine itself is not expensive, but it must be packed in...
  17. scwheeler24

    Comment by 'scwheeler24' in item 'Minorca'

    Thanks for telling us where you got them. Most of my chickens lay smaller eggs than indicated and customers want the bigger eggs. I will remember McMurray and the large eggs.
  18. scwheeler24

    How to build a killing cone.

    Thanks, great precise detail.
  19. scwheeler24

    Saving the shell after worming

    Can you save the shells after discarding the inside after a worming? Would they be safe if you boiled them or baked them to put in your garden, compost or give to the chickens? Needing some ideas how to discard the eggs for a month, and if any of the egg can be used Im all for it.
  20. scwheeler24

    De-worming chickens.

    Can you dump the inside and save and bake the shells for the garden or the chickens? I hate to waste a month of eggs, and if any of it can be salvaged I would like to.
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