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  1. CityChook

    What Breed is this - Polish? Jersey Giant? Australorp?

    Okay, let me try this one more time....
  2. CityChook

    What Breed is this - Polish? Jersey Giant? Australorp?

    I'm obviously not only chicken illiterate, but also photobucket illiterate as I can't get my photos to post correctly either. God it makes me feel old...
  3. CityChook

    What Breed is this - Polish? Jersey Giant? Australorp?

    I have a chicken that I got a few weeks ago from the elementary school hatching project, so it's probably a mixed up breed, but can any of you experts enlighten me as to what kind of chicken he is? He's about 6 weeks old, black with very pretty iridescent blue feathers and a few brownies on his...
  4. CityChook

    Nesting box access question...

    I purposely went without an egg collection door because it is too hard to insulate. I didn't want the girls to have cold drafts on them when in their box. It's also another spot that needs to be predator-proof. My coop is similar in size to yours (mine is 6x8) and I only have a few hens -- I...
  5. Adventures In City Chooks

    Adventures In City Chooks

    Adventures in City Chooks a diary of sorts We live in Minneapolis and are allowed 5 hens, no roosters. We have 3 young daughters so we chose Buff Orps for their calm dispositions and winter hardiness. After several delays, the chicks arrived on May 21, 2008. Coop construction began in June...
  6. Playhouse Coop For Kathryn

    Playhouse Coop For Kathryn

    A Playhouse Coop for Kathryn Kathryn is a friend of mine and our children attend grade school together. In May 2009, she adopted three of the chicks from the annual Kindergarten egg hatching experiment, much to the delight of her children. All summer they grew and grew, free-ranging in her...
  7. Citychook A Coop Story

    Citychook A Coop Story

    A Coop Story Construction began in June, 2008 and took 4 months to complete. That's right - all summer, baby. Neither my husband or I had ever built anything before. But hey, no one died, we're still married and I am happy with the results. CityChook's Coop Details Landscape block...
  8. Default


  9. CityChook

    Why do people put sand in the run?

    I put 3-4 inches of sand in my run each spring. It seems to disappear over the season, but that's okay. I like it because it's easy to rake clean, dries out super fast and seeing the chicken footprints in it makes me laugh. I know, I know...
  10. CityChook

    What do you use inside the coop to clean the "woodwork"

    The inside of my coop is painted. Including the floor. When I clean it out (once in May, once in Oct), I sweep out all the pine shavings from the floor, open all windows/doors, blow out all the dust with a leaf blower and wash down the walls/floor with warm water/dishsoap. Any poo that is on the...
  11. CityChook

    raccoon proof exterior egg box

    IMO the only way to keep a raccoon out of your egg box is to use a lock.
  12. CityChook

    Do you close the door to the run everynight?

    Welcome from the Cities- It's always a good idea to close up the girls at night. I don't stop there - I actually use a lock. We're in the city and have a very healthy population of chicken eating critters in our yard every night. I sleep better knowing they are safe and sound. And I haven't...
  13. CityChook

    nest box, out or in ?

    more wood = heavier. If you build exterior boxes, consider how you're going to predator proof them. And keep the weather out. And if it freezes, how you'll keep the eggs warm enough to not be frozen/broken when you come to collect them. All things to consider with an exterior box.
  14. CityChook

    Does Sand In Coop Freeze In Winter?

    I don't use it inside the coop, but I have regular play sand (50 lb. bags from HD) in my covered run. It freezes. And even if it's not frozen, it's cold. I'm not sure it's a good choice for inside your coop. True, it would be less dusty, but let's all just be honest and say that chickens ARE...
  15. CityChook

    Coop/Run.... Welded wire/Hardware cloth????

    I've used both. The welded wire isn't as predator proof, so if you can, I'd use it up high with the hardware wire down low (where the chickens will be). That way a raccoon can't reach through the wire and hurt your chickens. It will not stop weasels and snakes from entering your set up, however...
  16. CityChook

    New City Farmer- Any advice?

    I have city chickens and without roosters you will likely not encourage much attention. My hens are very quiet. In the summer, I allow them to free range my back yard and they stay put. One of my neighbors (chasing her loose dog - which COULD have been a problem) ended up in my backyard last...
  17. CityChook

    A-Frame Concept For Northern Climate

    I'm going to echo Pat's suggestions. For what it's worth, I'm in Minnesota and will tell you that my chickens haven't been outside since late October this year. That's 5 months now. They have 12 sq/ft per chicken inside and I can't imagine giving them less. I haven't had any social problems...
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