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  1. Saltysteele

    Why are my (2) meat chickens different sizes?

    where did you get them? the smaller bird looks very healthy, and appears to be getting plenty of food. my thought (and again, i don't know where you got them) is that the smaller bird may not be 100% cornish cross. unless you get them from a reputable breeder (or the likes), you may not be...
  2. Saltysteele

    Turkey question.

    royal palms are a heritage breed that does not get very large. 12-14 pounds. this is my first year raising them, but have a friend who swears they are the most delicious bird around
  3. Saltysteele

    Best age to kill for meat?

    like said, depends on the bird you're raising. a cornish cross, 6-8 weeks. a freedom ranger, 12-14 weeks. also depends on what you're planning on doing them. a fryer is not as big as a roaster, for example.
  4. Saltysteele

    First Butchering Experience...Have Q's!!

    two organs are not completely obvious and need to have conscious effort expended on their removal. the kidneys and the lungs. the kidneys lie on each side of the backbone, towards the hole you create in the rear end of the bird. as you run your fingers along the back bone, push down and scoop...
  5. Saltysteele

    Large hard gizzard

    Quote: i agree. i love them with barbeque shake n bake, as cheap as that may sound
  6. Saltysteele

    Bruised Cornish Meaties..

    the fact that they are always laying on their breasts, causes bruises and abrasions.
  7. Saltysteele

    Do I have vampires in my coop?

    just to answer a question you had - anemia isn't a shortage of blood, it is a shortage of red blood cells (still same volume, just less red blood cells)
  8. Saltysteele

    Rubbery chicken

    i think the issue here is the time which you let the meat rest. next day, as in how many hours? I could butcher a chicken at 11 p.m. on the 1st, cook and eat it at 3 a.m. on the 2nd, and technically it's the next day. the one you did the same day, i guarantee is due to not enough resting...
  9. Saltysteele

    can you hang a turkey like a deer

    i agree.... i wouldn't hang a deer in those temps, and def. not poultry. find a cooler. no meat should be left out in 80 degree temps. you're trying to slow the deterioration by cooling. by letting it sit in 80 degree temps, you are helping the deterioration. haven't you seen those deer...
  10. Saltysteele

    When to degut?

    don't do that. i would recommend before doing several at a time, do one at a time to give yourself reference to how long it is going to taste you. now they're marinating in their own gastric juices. you also don't have to wait 3 days before putting them in the freezer. we are usually done...
  11. Saltysteele

    boiled bantum eggs

    i boil my banty eggs in the same pot with my large foul eggs. no problems so far.
  12. Saltysteele

    hardboiled egg question

    3 weeks or so old, is what we strive for. it also depends on the chickens, as to whether the eggs will peel clean or not when cooked fresh. my large foul eggs peel like poo, but my banty's eggs peel easy and clean fresh
  13. Saltysteele

    Killing cones - cheap and effective substitute

    a cone (traffic, metal, whatever) is going to work better to restrain a struggling bird than any method in which the wings are not held tight to the body. if they can get to the ground, they will run around, jumping as high as 4', spraying and splattering blood everywhere. the cones hold the...
  14. Saltysteele

    I didn't think Cornish X's would forage...

    they will forage. they are bred to be eaters. they will do anything to eat, food is their crack cocaine. they live, breathe and dream about eating. they would be content for you to pour the food and water down their throats for them, but they will get food any other way if they have to
  15. Saltysteele

    Best ways to cook Freedom Rangers?

    aging does not work with chickens. there is not the same bacteria in chicken, as in beef. same as in pork, does not get any more tender. by "aging" a chicken, you are letting rigor mortis leave the animal. overnight, or up to 24 hours is plenty enough. cook them the same way you would...
  16. Saltysteele

    light yolks

    were they eating grass and are not, now? when i let mine free range and they eat grass, the yolks are as orange as.... well, orange they got into mamma's flower bed, so they've been grounded for a while, till can build them an extended run. their yolks have gone to the color of the yolks...
  17. Saltysteele

    Want a fattier bird

    feed corn that last bit of finishing. also, as far as tender, the chickens at the store that you are thinking of that are so tender are also loaded with lots of tenderizers and junk. try cooking slower, and you'll get more tender meat, also. some birds are naturally more tender, as well...
  18. Saltysteele

    A few questions on killing some roos

    or, if you don't want the liver, don't keep it. we don't keep ours, or the hearts. the only organ we keep is the gizzard. i think you may be speaking, though, that you don't want to puncture it as you make the cuts to the rear end to eviscerate. if so, don't worry, you won't. you don't need...
  19. Saltysteele

    Help? What are these babies?!

    while i do not know what they are, there are ways to sex chicks, whether it be from a sex-link variety (males will look one way, females will look differently), a variety where one sex will have equal length wing feathers at a day old, and the other sex 2 different lengthed feathers. i'm sure...
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