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  1. ninabeast

    Lav over Lav = BLUE?? Help, please!

    I have only a basic knowledge of the BBS genetics, and this has me stumped. I bred my Lavender Ameraucana rooster over LA hens, an EE hen, a PBR hen, and a SLW hen. The results were as expected, except for one. One of the chicks (out of a blue egg), was blue. Not a dark lavender, blue...
  2. ninabeast

    Severe, ongoing sour crop. Next stop is euthanization.

    I'll give it a try. Not sure how one feed part of a capsule of Monistat, but I'm willing to give it a try. Thanks!
  3. ninabeast

    Severe, ongoing sour crop. Next stop is euthanization.

    I am very close to putting down two Copper Marans hens for severe, ongoing sour crop, which has resisted the usual treatments. Before I employ the final solution, does anyone know of a hail Mary, like an injection of penicillin, or something similar? Thanks...
  4. ninabeast


    I've come to the conclusion that turkeys just aren't a good fit for me or my little farm. I had wanted to recoup my costs, but am now ready to let them go for best offer to a good home for breeding. Please PM with an interest or questions. Two breeding trios, both hatched this past spring by...
  5. ninabeast


    I've come to the conclusion that turkeys just aren't a good fit for me or my little farm. I had wanted to recoup my costs, but am now ready to let them go for best offer to a good home for breeding. Please PM with an interest or questions. Two breeding trios, both hatched this past spring by...
  6. ninabeast

    Beer sanitizer to clean incubator before use?

    I am preparing to incubate my first hatching eggs, and the new Genesis 1588 arrived FedEx yesterday. Question: Can I use the solution that one uses when sanitizing all the equipment to homebrew beer to spritz out the incubator and egg turner and let air dry? The product is called "Easy Clean"...
  7. ninabeast

    The water dunking cured my broody!! (Update w/ PIC)

    Reviving this thread to say that I am in the midst of trying this method on not one, but two broodies. So far, they've each been dunked twice. I have reached this point because one is in very real danger of starving herself. We shall see. You can get the details (and lots more pics) here...
  8. ninabeast

    Highest percentage protein for chicks?

    What is the highest healthy percentage of protein for chicks? Setting aside the issues of blackhead (of which I am well aware) I would like to brood my three-week old chicks and my baby heritage poults together. Is there any way the chicks can eat the higher-protein feed poults require? Thanks.
  9. ninabeast

    New turkey owner problems...PLEASE HELP

    That's terrible! I'm getting my first turkeys (blue slates) in 2 days, and I am terrified of something like this. I'll be watching this thread to see if anyone knows what might have happened...
  10. ninabeast

    Anyone use a Brinsea EcoGlow in a barn or outside building?

    I'm hoping to resurrect this thread because I am about to brood two groups with an EcoGlow, one of poults and one of chicks. The brooders are dog crates in the coop, wrapped with fleece to keep heat in and hens out. My poults arrive Friday, so I can run a few tests overnight to see if I need to...
  11. ninabeast

    Dog Attack!!!

    Four weeks after the dog attack: Buffy is laying again and, as of Friday, her eggs are being eaten again. Yay! I can't get over how quickly she's refeathering her tail (her butt was BALD), but it seems her wound site will be bare until her next full molt. So sayeth my expert. The scab is down...
  12. ninabeast

    Breeders of Blue Slates? Are you out there?

    Having a terrible time finding breeders of blue slates, not hatcheries, but breeders. Anyone know of any? Thanks.
  13. ninabeast

    Desperately seeking organic feed near Albany, NY

    Hellooooooo New Yorkers! I have a small egg operation going, and will be branching out into a heritage turkey breeding program in a matter of weeks. I am going a little crazy trying to find a line of organic feeds for my flocks (through all stages of life) that is local enough that I'm not...
  14. ninabeast

    Dog Attack!!!

    An update on Buffy: She's back with her flock, and somehow even getting up onto the 4' roost without tail feathers. She's not fully integrated yet, but she's doing great. Her wound is down to a 2.5-3" scab, the new skin is pink and healthy, and she has lots of new feathers coming in. Yes...
  15. ninabeast

    My chicken is laying multiple fart eggs. What the...?

    She laid normally for months, though. Then she had a winter slow down (not stoppage, though), and now this. It's like her eggmaker is broken. She's always laid more fart eggs than my other hens, just not more than one at a time.
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