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  1. Matthew3590

    Show Off Your Games!

    Everyone has a pumpkin chicken now.
  2. Matthew3590

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    That egg is huge!
  3. Matthew3590

    Show Off Your Games!

    I think there is more than one language being spoken in this thread the way people are interpreting posts. And I do not know about forced quarantines. I don't know how much shipping is it was included in the price of the Birds.
  4. Matthew3590

    A Ban on USA Poultry?

    You are correct
  5. Matthew3590

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I see we both get to enjoy Murfreesboro I live there as well. Traffic in this town has gone crazy over the last few years :barnie
  6. Matthew3590

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Hey friends just wanted to say hi. First time posting here in the whole time I've been on BYC. I go to MTSU and I love chickens. Just wanted to talk to some other Tennesseans on this site.
  7. Matthew3590

    A Ban on USA Poultry?

    America bans imports of birds from other countries as well. Some justified some not.
  8. Matthew3590

    one of my 24 hens is laying in an inaccessible place

    If it is a gap under the shed try putting a layer of chicken wire from the bottom of the shed to the ground in hopes of keeping her out. Some people can get away with allowing their chickens to be 100% foraging but that can be hard on them nutritionally depending on plants and bug count of your...
  9. Matthew3590

    Pecking Orders

    Mean hens will be mean with or without roosters. It's who they are. I have noticed though that a dominant rooster can help with the fights but in the end there is going to be a pecking order. Eventually it will be settled on their own terms.
  10. Matthew3590

    Confused about what makes an animal a hybrid

    I said they were considered hybrids by usage not pedigree. Hybrid IE good at laying eggs and meat. In any and all cases involving a chicken reproducing with another chicken it will never produce offspring true to the word "Hybrid". If it is a true hybrid it is a combination of species. Chicken...
  11. Matthew3590

    Is it a Rooster problem?

    Agree with the above post. Your 4 year old hens are not going to be laying as much as when they were younger because of age. If you chose to get rid of the rooster it will not affect them laying eggs but if the rooster is nothing but a nuisance the hens may be happier. Maybe you have a space...
  12. Matthew3590

    Confused about what makes an animal a hybrid

    I had a conversation with my genetics professor and the way the word "Hybrid" is being used in this thread is not a "wrong" word, it is just not the best word. The best word used for crossing two chickens is to just use the word cross. Now there is a very good way to use "Hybrid" and that is...
  13. Matthew3590

    Show Off Your Games!

    When it comes to blacks my favorite are Mcrae and Mugs. Currently counting my pennies to get a trio of Mcraes from Hawaii.
  14. Matthew3590

    Obviously I Can't Spell

    Glad you finally made an account! Welcome!:frow
  15. Matthew3590

    Confused about what makes an animal a hybrid

    You are correct hybrids can be fertile. Fertile or infertile is not what considers something a hybrid. If that's how you interpreted my statement I am sorry for not being more clear.
  16. Matthew3590

    Show Off Your Games!

    Sdm111 you sir have some very good looking fowl. I can tell you take very good care of them. Love your blues.
  17. Matthew3590

    Confused about what makes an animal a hybrid

    A hybrid is a cross between two different species of animals usually resulting in infertile offspring. Any chicken mixed with another chicken will not be a hybrid and any dog mixed with a dog will not be a hybrid. A tiger crossed with a lion will result in a hybrid.
  18. Matthew3590

    Not so aggressive roosters breed(s)?

    My humble suggestion would be an American Gamefowl. He'll be gorgeous and a very good protector for all your hens. Several tricks to the trade in keeping fowl from becoming man fighters and the easiest one is limited contact during the molt. Chickens absolutely hate being touched while molting...
  19. Matthew3590

    new chicken lady

    Welcome to BYC! You've certainly came to the right site for learning anything and everything about poultry! :frow
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