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  1. HorseFeathers


    Fatima's Story The beloved Saga of Fatima of the Gold-dust Feathers is now available as a book! Full-color, full-page photographs of the hens and their adventures grace its pages, and ink illustrations are smattered throughout the book. This story is perfect for children of all ages (and...
  2. HorseFeathers

    The Incredibly Easy Handy Dandy Name Guide

    Got an unnamed chick? What about the rescued roo? Now, behold! The incredibly easy handy-dandy name guide! Names not only sound cool, the mean something. (Also fun to just browse through! ) Girl's Names: Esperanza- hope (Spanish) Lacy- cheerful (Latin) Lalli- babbler (English) For the loud one...
  3. HorseFeathers


    ChickenSketch: Custom Chicken Portraits Hello, friends! Welcome to ChickenSketch. "What is this ChickenSketch?", you ask? Why, it's Custom Chicken Portraits in pencil, charcoal, watercolor, or pastels, of course! I've been donating ChickenSketches to lots of contests in Online Poultry Show. If...
  4. HorseFeathers

    The Saga of Fatima of the Gold-dust Feathers! UPDATED - Fatima died...

    Hi guys. As most of you probably know by now, I've ceased posting on BYC. Last week, Fatima died of an unknown malady. It is very sad, and I wanted to post it here so her fans would know. Olivia
  5. HorseFeathers

    Dogs and cats - Why is it ok for cats to kill things for fun?

    We have two indoor cats. The most that's ever happened regarding their hunting is a feather toy, a foolish sparrow who got indoors somehow, and a small deermouse that was for some reason inside my closet. In five years. (The and sparrow mouse were not harmed in the slightest, just chased a bit...
  6. HorseFeathers

    Share your cheesy joke

    Knock knock. Who's there? Interrupting cow. Interrup— (loudly cuts in) MOO!
  7. HorseFeathers

    70,000 members is coming up...

    Quote: And there were way less than that when I registered! W00t BYC.
  8. HorseFeathers

    best camera?

    Are you looking for a DSLR or point-and-shoot? I have a macro filter I can stick on the lens of my DSLR which I love. But many amazing macro lenses are available too.
  9. HorseFeathers

    Does anyone write?

    I have WHAT in my yard? : Horsefeathers do you use kidpub?? Just curious. Never heard of that... I used to self publish.
  10. HorseFeathers

    Do you share your computer?

    Quote: I ask myself this every day.... *sighs and looks at backpack full of homework* Being in school myself, you would not BELIEVE how essential computers are. Some teachers will simply not accept work that has not been typed. One history teacher actually requires a laptop or...
  11. HorseFeathers

    Does anyone write?

    I've self-published a children's book and sold quite a few copies, plus am in the process of sending off my first complete novel to be published.
  12. HorseFeathers

    Do you share your computer?

    Quote: I ask myself this every day.... *sighs and looks at backpack full of homework* Being in school myself, you would not BELIEVE how essential computers are. Some teachers will simply not accept work that has not been typed. One history teacher actually requires a laptop or...
  13. HorseFeathers

    Why are they so unhappy?

    Quote: Oh, you will... eventually it becomes background noise.
  14. HorseFeathers

    Why are they so unhappy?

    1) They either want treats or they want to be let out. They whine. Constantly. It's something you need to get used to. 2) It may be the egg song. If it sounds like bok bok bok bok baGAWK! then they're just announcing that they've laid an egg.
  15. HorseFeathers

    Ever have a "blonde" moment?

    I have dark brown hair, but often have blonde moments. I have a friend, who is strawberry blonde BTW, who constantly makes jokes about me being blonde at heart (ie, looking into every mirror, being generally retarded). I tell her to go look in the mirror...
  16. HorseFeathers

    website rateing game

    Never heard of it... Etsy!
  17. HorseFeathers


    Me! My birthday's in October, LOL. And I can finally wear all the cold-weather styles I've been stocking up on since May!
  18. HorseFeathers

    The Doe is Back With New Fawns.

    So cute! We live in a pretty wooded area so there's deer everywhere. One time we were driving down the road in broad daylight and there was this doe just standing by the side of the road (relatively busy for this area, maybe 10 cars a minute) staring at us! I rolled down the window and waved my...
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