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  1. FlickiChicki

    Why I need to spay/neuter cats

    Quote: Oh, how I can identify with that! I brought a kitten in to treat for respiratory problems. I put her on amoxi for 2 weeks, when I went to put her back out she hissed at her mom and siblings, then ran back into the house. And she is still in here. Do we have 'sucker' tattooed on our...
  2. FlickiChicki

    Note to self: DO NOT talk to hubby

    I will be very sweet and nice to DH for coop building. He told me to go pick the chooks and guineas today at the shelter, and we'll build a new coop. He then gives up his concrete pad that was going to be a new garage for his trucks for the chooks, as we can't let the chooks get nabbed by a...
  3. FlickiChicki

    1 month to build a coop - if we are lucky.

    So the shelter called us about 10-13 1 week old chooks and 4 3ish week old guineas. DH and I will never again think of wanting to get into breeding, we do that, chooks show up at the shelter. Oh well, I do love my shelter chooks, and we wind up with chooks every year so far. However, debating...
  4. FlickiChicki

    Speckledhen's Ten Commandments of Good Flock Management

    And where to go from here got answered this afternoon. Driving into town to pick up some week olds or so from the shelter along with some older guineas. I'm the only chook adopter recently, so they called me not knowing what to do with chooks. Which makes our EcoGrow NOT a wasteful purchase...
  5. FlickiChicki

    Do you have identification on your chickens? Leg bands?

    Ours came with bands from the shelter. I never look at the bands to see who is who, I can tell them apart well enough now.
  6. FlickiChicki

    Why I need to spay/neuter cats

    Our semi-ferals are pretty flighty about being trapped. So the fact that we trapped 7 of them to get shots to go to TSC was pretty good. Spooks leads that gang, so they aren't too evil to handle, but they are scared. Yeah, the blonde kitty is really close to having her litter by my...
  7. FlickiChicki

    Hi from the midwest

    Thanks for the welcome!! Quote: Well, it goes with us being cheap I think. Plus, they are just around for fun more than anything serious. We've talked about getting into the rare breeds or something, but then someone shows up at the shelter and needs a place.... But the chooks are a fun...
  8. FlickiChicki

    Tractor Supply Employee Knowledge About Chicks

    Took the spook parade in to get their shots at the TSC. Apparently I am in there too much as the Chicken Lady, so got grabbed to help them sort out the chicks who got mixed up. While, no, I know about zip on the breeds or sexing - they'd gotten ducks, geese and chickens mixed up together...
  9. FlickiChicki

    letting chickens in the garden

    If they are IN the plants, buh bye plants. Which is sometimes nice when a plant takes over, runs crazy and needs to die and die NOW. Stupid cucumber vine. However, we pin bird net over the plants and let the chooks take over the paths to deal with the bug population. Plus the chance to roll...
  10. FlickiChicki

    Speckledhen's Ten Commandments of Good Flock Management

    Speckledhen, thank you for this list! It's a lot to consider, DH and I have talked about getting into a rare breed or something. We just have shelter chooks and roo, nothing fancy, just fun to have chooks. But we've so enjoyed having them, and we have the room, so why not help out some chooks...
  11. FlickiChicki

    Chicken run on concrete surface

    The coop and attached run area is on concrete. Keeps predators out, was just there where we wanted to put the coop, and it was done right for our weather, so it was a bigger pain to remove. What we do is build up the sides with OSB about 12" up, then change it as needed. Then 8-10" of straw...
  12. FlickiChicki do you call your chickens to you?

    The girls know "Here Chooks Chooks Chooks!!" or "Quack, quack, quack" Yes, they respond to duck sounds. The roo, depends on what he's up to. If he's got a tasty bug, ho hum. If it's DH, yeah, whatever. If it's me - ZOOM! Yes ma'am, how may I worship you??? Or if you want insta-response...
  13. FlickiChicki

    Why I need to spay/neuter cats

    Good job with getting 15 at one time! One of our spook girls showed up BRINGING her children over to us. AND pregnant. So we had Spooks, 5 older babies, then a new litter of 8. Spooks would NOT dare let us trap her or get her inside away from the handsome suitors, and then blessed us with a...
  14. FlickiChicki

    coop cleaning time--YUCK

    We do the quick clean up daily (or erm most days) and then the full coop clean up as needed. Winter, they are inside and the chooks who like to go out in the snow some bring wet inside, so weekly. Summer, it's too hot, so they are inside (who give filthy looks at the idea of being out in that...
  15. FlickiChicki

    Hi from the midwest

    Ok, so I'll do the copy and paste method... (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Nope, grew up with them. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 4 black speckled hens 1 black speckled rooster 1 big white hen 5 black/tan hens 3 tan hens (3) What breeds do...
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