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  1. aliciaford

    What is DE?

    I have read about the uses for it, sounds great but is it actually called DE or does it stand for something? Thanks
  2. aliciaford

    Hens loosing feathers on their backs but no rooster....

    First one hen, now more hens losing the feathers on their backs, much like the rooster was getting "friendly" too often. It has gotten so bad that I found another home for my rooster. He has been gone over a month and no feathers are growing back? Do you think they are molting? I have been...
  3. aliciaford

    Advice needed. Badly.

    All I can say is how fast can you get rid of 2 roosters? I went from 2-5 eggs a day to 16 from my hens two weeks after getting rid of my extra roosters. My hens were so terrified of them they wouldnt come off the roost at times to drink or eat, watch your hens and see if they are being bullied.
  4. aliciaford

    When will my eggs get bigger???

    Ya know, after reading all the other posts on different subjects, I swear the eggs were bigger before and maybe they are going into a molt???
  5. aliciaford

    Which Hens lay the most big brown eggs?

    I started my flock this spring and finally have hens laying. I would like to add more chicks in the spring but I am not sure which brown egg layers lay the best and the ones that lay good size eggs. I currently have BOs, Barred Rock, RIR, Austrolorps, Wyndottes,and Brahmas. I do have a RIR...
  6. aliciaford

    When will my eggs get bigger???

    I give them free choice oyster shell and we give them tons of kitchen scraps, ect and we have not changed their feed recently or anything...
  7. aliciaford

    Sold some friends young laying hens, no eggs for months!

    I told 4 hens that just started laying a few weeks previous to a friend and they have not layed an egg for over a month, then, sold 8 more hens to another friend and I just heard those havent laid yet either. Im starting to look like a bad friend here, whats going on? Could it be stress or...
  8. aliciaford

    When will my eggs get bigger???

    My hens have been laying for about 6-8 weeks now, and out of 16 eggs, about 12 are pretty small. When should I expect that they will get bigger? Its hard to charge someone for a dozen eggs when they seem so small to me...
  9. aliciaford

    3 nesting boxes side by side by wont they lay in the middle one?

    Weird.... Ideas? They are all the same:/
  10. aliciaford

    Arent chickens supposed to lay in the am?

    I have 32 laying hens, all between 19-21 weeks. I got my first egg last saturday, about 4pm. I have gotten several eggs this week, never anything in the morning, always after 2pm or so. I even got one the other night about 7pm. I always thought that chickens layed at like 6 am or something...
  11. aliciaford

    18 week old Golden Comets...could they be ready to lay?

    I have 4 golden comets that just started laying 2 days ago, at 19 1/2 weeks. I have only gotten 2 eggs from them and they were small and were textured on the outside of the shell, unlike my barred rock eggs. I have 32 layers and got my first egg last saturday, so exciting!!! Yesterday was...
  12. aliciaford

    37 Hens + 21 Roos = NO EGGS!!

    Roos are not fighting much, 2 barred rock roos are in charge. We have 7 bantam and ornamentals that we keep seperated, the 2 black bantam frizzles were mean to the 2 white frizzle hens so we put them in with the general population, now the bantys rule the roost! Its so funny...
  13. aliciaford

    37 Hens + 21 Roos = NO EGGS!!

    12 hens/roos are 19 weeks, rest are 17 weeks and we still have no eggs. I know everyone tells me not til after 20 weeks, but my friends bought 25 of my day olds and they are both getting eggs for two weeks already and I am not. I am sure that it is because of the Roos keeping them "busy"...
  14. aliciaford

    Someone wants to buy my excess hens, how much?

    A friend of a friend would like to buy about 10 -15 of my excess hens. We ordered about 75 straight run chickens which are now about 17 weeks old and should be laying soon. The plan was to use dual purpose birds since this was my first time and see what I wanted to keep as far as hens and put...
  15. aliciaford

    pet sitter fell through, advice please

    We recently left for 2 nights and chickens were fine. Worry about the water not so much the food. I left 6 gallons of water for 68 chickens who were 8 weeks old and there was water left, but not a lot of food. They were happy to see me, and I was happy they were all safe. So have a good...
  16. aliciaford

    5 week old Frizzle CROWING!!!!!

    So cute. I also have a black frizzle who started crowing at about 8 weeks. Its so funny because I have 68 chickens and probably half are roosters and they are 15 weeks and they dont crow...
  17. aliciaford

    Newbie should have listened

    I am a newbie, and I will be the first to say that I should have listened to the advise I got from chicken owners and all the books I read on chickens. I just got so excited over all the different breeds and how each breed has different traits, ect. Now I have behavior problems and DH is not...
  18. aliciaford

    Anyone successful hatching cornish x?

    I would like to buy some cornish x for meat birds and would like to try hatching my own, but dont they get so fat they can hardly walk long before they are old enough to lay an egg? Thanks
  19. aliciaford

    Can you hatch your own Cornish Cross?

    I am a first timer and I have dual purpose birds such as RIR, Barred Rock and Buff Orphs, both hens and roosters, however, I would like to raise meat birds. People keep telling me that Cornish Cross cant even walk after 12 weeks because they are so fat. Are they impossible to hatch/breed? I...
  20. aliciaford

    Golden Comets at 6 weeks (pics)

    I have 6 golden comets of my own that are 12 weeks. Such quiet birds, friendly, too. Can anyone tell me what makes a golden comet? I would like to try to hatch some of my own for fun...
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