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  1. kimntep


    Welcome from south Ocala!
  2. kimntep

    The Big Fat Is This A Rooster? Thread

    Kudos to you for taking her! I bet she ends up being the best girl!
  3. kimntep

    The Big Fat Is This A Rooster? Thread

    Looks that way to me. I hope she makes a great pet and that it doesn't hinder her in any way. So cute!
  4. kimntep


    Howdy from Ocala! I've been gone forever, but stopped by to see what I've been missing. Nice to see the same great bunch, and I'm glad to be back! I DID finally get those ducks and I'm so in love, also 2 goats and a big 'ol rescued pot-belly pig. I'm in heaven with all of them, but my...
  5. kimntep

    The Big Fat Is This A Rooster? Thread

    This is absolutely precious!
  6. kimntep

    The Big Fat Is This A Rooster? Thread

    I love this thread! All the little fluffy butts! ;)
  7. kimntep

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    I'm not squeamish, it's a heart thing. I REALLY want to A) spend less for healthy protein, B) teach myself and family to be more self-sustaining, and C) stop giving money to the hellish chicken processing plants. I cannot separate myself from the fact that it feels totally selfish and...
  8. kimntep

    Two dead in one day..thanks, dh and dog!

    He's already made it larger once, and it's more room than they need, but, again, I treat my birds very well and they are happy and healthy for it. It's not that he flat-out doesn't respect my wishes, he just doesn't pay attention, "forgets", etc., and it's supposed to be ok. Ironically, HE is...
  9. kimntep

    Two dead in one day..thanks, dh and dog!

    Still ****** and grieving over Red this morning and dh acts like everything is just fine, as usual. We're heading out of town for two days and I've been so looking forward to the trip. Now I wish he'd just take the kids and go. I don't even want to be in the car with him and his callous attitude...
  10. kimntep

    Two dead in one day..thanks, dh and dog!

    They have a large, very secure and covered run, but I give them total freedom a few times a week when I've made sure all the dogs are secured. The other three dogs really don't bother the birds at all, but Trooper is a lab/pit, very sweet and docile, but he doesn't know his own size and...
  11. kimntep

    Two dead in one day..thanks, dh and dog!

    His thing is that it's going to happen. Cut, dried and simple, and that nothing I do is really going to make a difference. It's his bs cop-out, especially when he is the one at fault..again. The birds didn't fly in to an area where they shouldn't be and the dog didn't GET out, he was LET out...
  12. kimntep

    Two dead in one day..thanks, dh and dog!

    I love my dog. He is very sweet, but he does like to chase the chickens. For this reason, when they are free ranging, he is locked in the dog yard rather than having free-range, himself. I asked my son, husband standing right there, to let the birds out (24 of them) and lock up the dog about...
  13. kimntep

    Gooey chick in shell!

    Oh, I wish I knew, but I wanted to wish you luck!
  14. kimntep

    Clutch is long?

    Our last babies came all within a couple of hours, but these 14 are different. How long should it take from the first to last to hatch and when should I discard unhatched eggs?
  15. kimntep

    Nightly droppings & deep litter method

    I scrape down my roosts, turn the litter lightly, and sprinkle on a layer of DE then some new shavings weekly. Never have a problem and my litter is about 8" thick now, starting with about 2" during summer. I'll shovel everything out and thoroughly clean come spring and I won't change a thing.
  16. kimntep

    The Egg Plant is finally finished!

    After two years, I think we're done! The gang sure was funny trying out their new playground: The Boss Man The Family/Play Room Blondie is Queen of the Jungle Gym More Playtime The Living Room The Dining Room when not being used for the Nursery Newly completed back yard...
  17. kimntep

    A January Molt???

    I have several molting right now and they truly look hideous! I see all of these beautiful hen pics here, on pinterest, etc., and I just wish my girls were pretty, but I know they'll get it together soon. Of 23 layers I'm only getting about 6 or 8 eggs a day!
  18. kimntep

    Orange oil and white vinegar for pests??

    I use that, too, and I love it! The only problem I have is that the sprayer heads consistently leak, so I have to transfer it to a different bottle. I'm trying to go more natural and the orange oil/vinegar/water solution cleans almost anything. I only found out by accident that the bugs don't...
  19. kimntep

    Orange oil and white vinegar for pests??

    I've been using solution of orange oil, white vinegar, and water for cleaning and since vinegar is a natural disinfectant, I started spraying down all the coop's surfaces with it as well as all of the supports around the yard and outdoor roosts. I know it has helped the overall smell of the...
  20. kimntep

    What treats do you feed your chicks/chickens. Plz rply

    Any "guts"..pumpkin and other squash, cantaloupe, etc., mine will absolutely devour! Black oil sunflower seeds are a huge hit and so good for them.
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