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  1. RomeandJill

    Citronella Plant

    I have a citronella plant on my patio that has been there for months and for some reason the last few days the chickens have been plucking the leaves off and eating them. I have basil, oregano, lavender, and other herbs growing in the yard, yet they never bother those.
  2. RomeandJill

    Texas Blue scaled Quail??

    Ive got a buddy here in Iowa who has quite a few of these right now. I picked up a pair from him and plan on picking up perhaps another three pairs or so this coming spring. He also has California valley and Tennessee red's (bobwhites) as far as quail go. I believe he may have a couple of...
  3. RomeandJill

    Housing pheasants with other game.

    I am new here.....just discovering this wonderful resource of information. I have spent the last couple of days going through and just reading thread after thread of responses to the miriad of questions asked. Some of the answers I have read are pretty right on the money and some (through my...
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