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  1. AZBootsie

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    I think it is still a little early to tell, but yes that comb is pale and looks like a pullet so far 😎
  2. AZBootsie


    I hope they stay sweet for you 👍
  3. AZBootsie

    Sponsored Post Nestera Coop Giveaway! Total worth $1595

    I will pick "C" mite resistant as an answer. Honestly it is the automatic door that makes me drool. It's such a pain to remember at 10pm that you forgot to lock up the chooks....then head out with a flashlight to make sure everyone is safe.
  4. AZBootsie

    Thoughts on Roosters??

    The whole thing doesn't come off, just that razor sharp outer toenail like coating. You are left with soft skin. It grows back. My Roosters haven't ever needed to fight off anything and I would hate for them to hurt the grandkids. So it is what I do.
  5. AZBootsie


    I have my theory...could be wrong, but this is what I believe. 1st- as chicks it is the Roosters that are the friendliest. If you have a couple of chicks that love to climb in your lab. They are boys. 2nd- Little roosters who are handled, cuddled, and loved on, turn out to be the meanist...
  6. AZBootsie

    Thoughts on Roosters??

    I have had flocks with and without a rooster I do prefer my girls to have the rooster around, it makes for a better flock. It is really cute to watch him feed the girls. I hand him a piece of bread, he tears it up and calls the girls to come and eat it. My current rooster is a black...
  7. AZBootsie

    New member from western KY

    :frow Welcome!!
  8. AZBootsie

    Some of my 4 week chicks

  9. AZBootsie

    Chicken egg hasn't zipped yet ☹️

    It doesn't really look like a splayed leg to me. After a hatch I usually leave the remaining eggs for a couple of days, just to make sure nothing else is viable. Once when cleaning up the "duds" I had an egg jump out of my hand. Once I got the poor baby out, she was a mess....all rolled up in...
  10. AZBootsie

    If feed stores closed and you can’t free range...

    Half of my run is covered in grape vines and last year I planted moringa trees in the other part of the run.
  11. AZBootsie

    Heat on Chicks

    Heating lamps are just so hard to control the temp with. I have an old brinsea brood warmer (warming tray chicks crawl under) that I have used for years and it's great. More of an electric hen idea. Brinsea is a little pricey. but, I have seen other brands out there recently that are much...
  12. AZBootsie

    Chick was stuck in egg, now neck is weird

    5 or 6 years ago, I was cleaning the duds out of my incubator at least 24 hours after the last egg hatched and heard a peep. This poor little chick had been stuck alive in her egg that whole time with just a tiny pip.The shell was dried and stuck to her. It took a lot of patience and warm...
  13. AZBootsie

    Arizona Chickens

    Whats the night time temp where you are and how many chicks? I can't imagine needing a lamp. If it is 90ish at night and they can huddle, I think they are fine. If it is 80is at night and less then 6 chicks you might need a lamp for just a few nights. I love my brinsea echo brooder...
  14. AZBootsie

    Arizona Chickens

    Yes you can brood chicks outside. Make the brooder big enough to have a hot side and a cold side. You can freeze water in milk jugs and just rotate it out every 12 hours or so. The chicks will migrate to the temp they like best. Biggest concern outside is predators......neighborhood cats...
  15. AZBootsie

    Arizona Chickens

    WOOT!! Found it. Gallo Del Cielo. Who knew private messages would still be available 3 years later? And the name has nothing to do with wine. It's a song about a rooster. Sorry Gallo. But thank you for the great tutorial, looking them now and hoping to build it soon...
  16. AZBootsie

    Arizona Chickens

    I am thinking his name had something to do with grapes or wine??
  17. AZBootsie

    Arizona Chickens

    Hi Arizona People. It's been a few years, but I used to frequent here. I am looking for treadle feeder instructions and can't remember the name of the author. He is a really smart man that lives in Tuscon........has big grape vines growing over the top of his runs......used to post a lot?? I...
  18. AZBootsie

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    This is disturbingly adorable
  19. AZBootsie

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Thank you Kassaundra. It is probably true of my other pullets as well.....just not used to seeing so much of a bird's naked face.
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