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  1. C

    Sick chick

    Thank you for the advice anyway. I have 13 others from this hatch. My first incubating experience. Hope I didn't do anything wrong and the others survive. I'm very attached to them already 🙃💕 and would love them to join the others in my garden one day
  2. C

    Sick chick

    Unfortunately this chick died. Only lived a few hours after I'd noticed it... I tried to give it a little water but it didn't really drink
  3. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Unfortunately my little chickie died... I'm not sure what was wrong... it was so quick and wouldn't really drink anything I tried... it was all foamy at the mouth and was so weak and shaky. Hope yours stay strong and well. I will be giving some to my mum and brother in a week or so
  4. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    I'll see how quick I can get something. May not be quick enough for this chick unfortunately
  5. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    I don't have anything specific for chicks.... any human vits I can add to the water for them? I'm finding it hard to keep track of them all and whether they are all eating and drinking 😄😕 Perhaps it's because I've been feeding them scrambled egg. I have chick feed for them now and am trying to...
  6. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    One of my chicks seems a bit sick... every time it tries to move it puts its head backs and ends up falling over and lying on its back... other chicks peck it and it doesn't hardly move. When it does right itself it seems to sleep with its head at a funny angle and sort of falls back and has its...
  7. C

    Sick chick

    I have a little fluffy bantam chick... hatched yesterday and has been doing fine. Until about an hour ago I kept noticing it falling over on its back and laying like that and the other chicks would come and peck and it would hardly move. Would eventually right itself but gradually put its head...
  8. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Well done on so many great hatches and chicks... sorry about the last one. I had 2 more hatch in the night. So that's 14 out of my 18 shipped eggs chuffed with that. Will see if the remaining 4 change or not. I want investigate them until at least tmw morning so give full time I think.
  9. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Congrats on such a successful hatch! They look great. And good news, my horizontal zipper has managed... so glad, took ages but it's out and wobbling round the incubator just fine. So I think just 2 chicks left to come for me. I do have 4 more eggs in there but they haven't pipped yet. I...
  10. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    All the best... such a fun journey
  11. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Yours have all come really close together. My 11th hatched today. Which leaves 3 pips left. Another one is coming up 36hrs, my horizontal pipper and one that only pipped about 4 hrs ago. The wait goes on... 😊
  12. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    The one I have been waiting for for 36hrs has just begun making progress.... it looks like it is trying to zip across the sides of the egg rather than around the top... looks horizontal instead of vertical if that makes sense! Is this gonna be ok?!
  13. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Atm I am waiting on the cheeps pretty loudly and can still see it opening its beak semi regularly. Hoping it's ok
  14. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    They look great! 😍 I have 6 in a brooder box now. And 4 from the night still in the incubator
  15. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Day 20 for me now and I have 10 healthy chicks. 3 eggs left with pips. 1 has been pipped for over 24 hrs... a tried to assist and widen its hole a little bit, membrane seemed moist but I could see veins and tiny bit of blood on the membrane so I moistened it and returned to the incubator. Not...
  16. C

    Hands on hatching and help

    Would appreciate some advice.... this egg pipped 24hrs ago, just over. And no change since this first hole. I have lifted the incubator lid a few tines since its pp to move very active fluffy chicks. It's day 20 now and first chicks hatched day 18 and 19. After opening lid I've misted in the...
  17. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Yay. No sleep for you now! .... I did go to bed eventually but crept down at half 3 to inspect what was happening 😅
  18. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Maybe the condition you incubated made them pip earlier... I don't know. I'm no expert. Hoping for healthy chicks for you. I had another 3 hatch in the night
  19. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Lots of chicks in the next few hours then... so exciting this bit
  20. C

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    I also worry about opening the incubator too much... and shrink wrapping my other pippers. When I have opened it I always mist and the humidity rises within seconds... temp drops a degree or two and probably takes a minute to rise
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