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  1. Gladysandfriends

    9 Week Polish Chick Hen vs Roo

    Thanks for your input!
  2. Gladysandfriends

    9 Week Polish Chick Hen vs Roo

    Thanks! Appreciate your input! I will sit tight and see what they end up as
  3. Gladysandfriends

    9 Week Polish Chick Hen vs Roo

    I have two buff laced polish. Both are now 9 weeks old. I know they are tricky to sex this young, but wanted to post and see what people’s opinions were? There is a darker one and a lighter coloured one. Photos of them together, then two of the lighter and two of the darker.
  4. Gladysandfriends

    Splash Silkie Chick?

    Lol! 50% chance of getting it right 😂 Thanks, good to know about the colour! Interested to see how (s)he matures and watch her/his colour come in. Thanks for your help!
  5. Gladysandfriends

    Splash Silkie Chick?

    Hey all! I have a 6 week silkie chick that I was told was a splash. (S)he has remained the same colour since I got him/her at 3 days old. When do silkie chicks start to show their splash colour? Any thoughts on gender? I know it’s still young and 50/50 at this point, but wanted to see others...
  6. Gladysandfriends

    Silkie Colour/Gender inquiry?

    Good to know, thanks!
  7. Gladysandfriends

    6 Week Polish Chicks

    Thanks! I know they are tricky ones, but figured I would post and see what the consensus was. I can’t see any obvious tell tale signs either way, so just remaining hopeful I end up with at least one pullet.
  8. Gladysandfriends

    Silkie Colour/Gender inquiry?

    Thanks! I am going to remain hopeful my intuition is wrong as I can’t have any Roo’s in my area. I was told (s)he was a splash, but have seen no colouring coming in that shows that. Maybe it will come in later?
  9. Gladysandfriends

    Silkie Colour/Gender inquiry?

    Any thoughts on the gender of this one? It’s the same age as the other partridge but its crest is taking its time coming in. I go back and forth if it’s a roo or pullet. Instinct tells me it’s a he though.
  10. Gladysandfriends

    Silkie Colour/Gender inquiry?

    Oh thank you! Yes, she (or he) came from a breeder that does show lines. I specifically asked for a silver partridge because I think they’re a really nice colour at maturity, but really interested to see what she turns into. Thanks for the photo, gives me a better idea of what to expect 😊
  11. Gladysandfriends

    Silkie Colour/Gender inquiry?

    Thanks! Do you think silver partridge is correct? And I’m leaning towards hen based on her stance and behaviour but not holding my breathe!
  12. Gladysandfriends

    Silkie Colour/Gender inquiry?

    Hey everyone! Any thoughts on what colour this silkie is? Any thoughts on gender too? When I got her/him I was told she/he was a silver partridge, was grey with the brown/black chipmunk stripes as a small chick. Just over 7 weeks old.
  13. Gladysandfriends

    6 Week Polish Chicks

    I have two buff laced polish chicks. They are both 6 weeks old and from the same hatch. Curious if there are any opinions on roo vs pullet? First two pictures are of the lighter one, third is the darker one with the bigger crest. Last picture shows both. No signs of wattles yet!
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