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  1. Bumpy_JSC

    Chick Has Mouth Open😥

    She’s all good now!☺️
  2. Bumpy_JSC

    Chick Has Mouth Open😥

    It is 63 where i’m at, our other chicken doesn’t have her mouth open.
  3. Bumpy_JSC

    Chick Has Mouth Open😥

    What does it mean when ur chicks mouth is open. She is a month old, and we let her and her sister out today. I’m guessing she got scared because are polish was out and that’s when her mouth started to open. Now i’ve seen her do this a long time ago when they got out of their cage and I scooped...
  4. Bumpy_JSC

    Limping chick

    I think separating her with a heat source would be a good idea, so the others don’t pick on her. Was there blood on the chicks toe? If there is other chicks will start picking at it.
  5. Bumpy_JSC

    Post Pics Of Your Baby Chicks!

    They are 5 days old!🤗 Russian Orlofs
  6. Bumpy_JSC

    My chick fell 2 1/2 feet. Will she be okay?

    thank you! I hope she’s okay. She’s eating and drinking water on her own. Still siting and limping though.
  7. Bumpy_JSC

    Help! How can I protect my chickens bald neck!!!

    I agree, I did the same thing and my chicken healed and eventually grew her feathers back!
  8. Bumpy_JSC

    My chick fell 2 1/2 feet. Will she be okay?

    The blanket wasn’t there before. Once she fell I closed the door and didn’t let them out. They were running around really fast that’s how she fell😥. I’ve never had little chicks with that much energy my other ones would sit on the edge.
  9. Bumpy_JSC

    My chick fell 2 1/2 feet. Will she be okay?

    Ah okay, thank you so much I've been worried and stressed.💛
  10. Bumpy_JSC

    Help! How can I protect my chickens bald neck!!!

    If she is bleeding I would separate her for a while until she heals, the same thing happened to one of my chickens once they see the blood they don't stop pecking so I got "Rooster Booster Pick No more" on Amazon it worked well, it stopped them from pecking I think it smells or tastes bad so...
  11. Bumpy_JSC

    My chick fell 2 1/2 feet. Will she be okay?

    So I made my chicks a balcony so they have more space to move around. But one of them was running up and down so much she fell on my wood floor, I picked her up immediately and put her back but it looked like one of her legs hurt. These chicks are probably 3-4 days old. I was worried it broke or...
  12. Bumpy_JSC

    My chick fell 2 1/2 feet, is she okay?

    Right now she’s walking kinda putting a little bit of weight on it but she sits down once she gets to where she wants to go. No swelling or bleeding it’s still the same color.
  13. Bumpy_JSC

    My chick fell 2 1/2 feet, is she okay?

    There is no colour change in her foot, I removed the balcony I have her in the cage. She’s in there with one other chicken, i’ve been watching her a lot she walks around holing her foot up a little and sits down at the water or food to eat and drink. So she’s eating and drinking food still which...
  14. Bumpy_JSC

    My chick fell 2 1/2 feet, is she okay?

    So I had made my chicks a balcony so they have more space to move around. But one of them was running up and down so much she fell on my wood floor, I picked her immediately and put her back but it looked like one of her legs hurt. These chicks are probably 3-4 days old. I was worried it broke...
  15. Bumpy_JSC

    i accidentally dropped my baby chick

    This is old but did she recover?
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