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  1. Y

    One slow chicken

    Could she possibly have a vision problem? This was my first thought when you mentioned terrified of everyone and everything. Maybe she literally can't see where the nesting boxes are!
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    4 week old chick pecking out frizzle's feathers!

    Thank you for this. I've been trying to discipline it when I'm around but of course I'm not around all day everyday to sit and stare at the chicks all day! I come home and see more featherloss on little frizzie. I just wish the frizzie would at least WALK AWAY when the other starts in. She just...
  3. Y

    4 week old chick pecking out frizzle's feathers!

    Help. I have 6 chicks of various breeds in a brooder. 4 weeks old. All are fine except my darn easter egger chick is CONSTANTLY pecking at and pulling out my one frizzle chick's new growing feathers! The frizzle baby's feathers are of course different looking and stick out more than the other...
  4. Y

    Can I put 4 week old chicks with 8 week olds?

    I plan on locking everyone in the new coop for a few days so they can learn "this is your new home." I like your idea of putting the Littles in the dog crate in to coop with the Bigs. Thanks!
  5. Y

    Can I put 4 week old chicks with 8 week olds?

    Thanks! I hadn't thought about the bantams getting first dibbs on the new run/coop. That may help with territorial pecks from the standards. At least in the beginning. I like your idea of trying the standards maybe one or two at a time. Thanks a bunch!
  6. Y

    Can I put 4 week old chicks with 8 week olds?

    But my question here is how to introduce the little bantams to the standards. I have the temps and such figured out already.
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    Can I put 4 week old chicks with 8 week olds?

    I have 6 standard-sized 8 week olds in a brooder that I'm about to put outside in their new coop/run. I have another set of 6 mixed bantam 4 week olds in a separate brooder. They'll all eventually be in the same run/coop. I have no other older chickens in the run. My 8 week olds definitely...
  8. Y

    Is this mereks poop?

    But if I give probiotics/vitamins while also giving antibiotics, wouldn't it make the antibiotics less effective? Or possibly the probiotics/vitamins wouldn't even be effective since there's antibiotics in there?
  9. Y

    Is this mereks poop?

    My thoughts too. Thanks!
  10. Y

    Is this mereks poop?

    Can I give tylosin and amoxicillin at the same time? I saw mixed answers online. I had started fish amoxicillin by mouth for 3 says while I waited on my tylosin to be delivered. Then started tylosin in the water. I've continued with tylosin and still have a few days left before the end of...
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    Is this mereks poop?

    Whew! I'm stressing over here! Could the lack of nutrients be due to them being on antibiotics? I shouldn't stop the antibiotics until the course is completed, right?
  12. Y

    Is this mereks poop?

    Is this mereks poop? It's not "lime green" like I've seen photos online. But it's a green shade. They 100% haven't eaten anything green at all. 6 week old chicks. chicks all are sneezing with some being listless. They've been on amoxicillin and now tylosin for a few days and most seem to be...
  13. Y

    What I have learned about Mycoplasma/CRD

    Can we give amoxicillin and tylosin to chickens at the same time? (Both Mixed in their water). Or must I only do one at a time?
  14. Y

    Mites in new store bought pine shavings?

    I live in the desert so my whole backyard is sand! I have store-bought grit in their cage that they peck at, but I can start utilizing the free stuff right outside. I just worry because I'm not sure actual WOOD pieces are even digestible, are they?
  15. Y

    Chick antibiotic dosage help

    I realize this is an old post, but did you get an answer to this? I have the same fish amoxicillin and I have 1 week olds with upper respiratory and am trying to figure out if I'm able to give amoxi this young and if so, what's the dose? Someone posted a link above but that's the dose for adult...
  16. Y

    Sick baby

    Did you get your answer to this? I have 1 week old chicks with the same issue! I'm wondering if it's safe to give amoxicillin or Tylosin at this young age, and of so, what's the dosage?
  17. Y

    Mites in new store bought pine shavings?

    Ah. I hadn't thought of their growing feathers may be itchy. That could be it. I'll keep an eye on them. Mine are actually eating the tiny pieces 🫤 so I wonder if they'll be ok?!
  18. Y

    Mites in new store bought pine shavings?

    I used to use straw in my bedding. But 3 days ago I switched to pine shavings from tractor supply and another local feed store. Now my 5 week old chicks are constant scratching since changing that bedding. Has anyone ever had mites or lice in a new bale of pine shavings bag?! They're in my...
  19. Y

    Chick with a cold? Amoxicillin dosage?

    Did you figure out the fish amoxicillin dose for this age and size chick? I'm have the same question and am scouring the internet for the dosage!
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