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  1. T

    Pullets eating poop??- any advice?

    It's 48 square feet not including nesting boxes, between 7 birds. So currently over 6.8 sq feet per bird and they're 10 weeks old. We use pine shavings. Thank you for both the reassurance and the suggestions. Starting today, they're also going to have free access to some outdoor space- a...
  2. T

    Not an immediate emergency- pulled feathers and possible abcess? Pictures

    Thank you for the information. So just to confirm, you think this does look like another chicken pulled his feathers? The entire run won't be finished today but a small section is almost done. So they'll have free outdoor access starting today, about 20 square feet (ETA the completed run will be...
  3. T

    Not an immediate emergency- pulled feathers and possible abcess? Pictures

    They are about 10 weeks old and they've been in their coop for 2 weeks. So they dont even sleep on the roosting bar yet, they all sleep together in a big pile still with our suspected rooster on top. Most of the natural light comes from the gable ventilation and small vent holes along the top...
  4. T

    Not an immediate emergency- pulled feathers and possible abcess? Pictures

    I just made a separate post about some of them eating poop, so I'll copy and paste the details from that post: We are still working on the run so they don't get much outside time yet, so maybe they are just bored or crowded. However, their coop has almost 3x the recommended amount of space for...
  5. T

    Pullets eating poop??- any advice?

    Our pullets (and one possible roo) are slightly over 2 months old at this point and have been in their coop for about 2 weeks. We have 3 silver laced wyandottes and 4 buff orpingtons. The orpingtons (not the dots at all as far as we can tell) have been eating poop, fighting over poop, and...
  6. T

    Not an immediate emergency- pulled feathers and possible abcess? Pictures

    Does anyone know what could have happened here? Did he pull his own feathers or were they pulled by his coopmates? Our chickens are about 10 weeks old and we are pretty sure this one is the rooster, so we'd be especially surprised if the coopmates pecked him. Our chickens are on a remote hobby...
  7. T

    Biosecurity and sanitation with no infrastructure

    I just want to say a huge thank you for the thoughtful and compassionate responses on this post. Sometimes just hearing "you're overthinking it" is enough for me to stop overthinking, lol. I'm gonna take all the suggestions into account and this makes me feel a lot better
  8. T

    Biosecurity and sanitation with no infrastructure

    Regarding this- when we were brooding them at home it was pretty easy to frequently wash our hands and wipe down + disinfect anything we might've touched with dirty hands. Additionally if we got any chicken poop on our clothes we could just change clothes right away and throw the dirty ones...
  9. T

    Biosecurity and sanitation with no infrastructure

    So you think we should be doing this as opposed to hand sanitizer? Our chickens won't be laying for a couple more months so this isn't actually my concern yet, I'm more worried that we could get something (like salmonella) on our hands from touching the birds, and then it gets on our clothes or...
  10. T

    Biosecurity and sanitation with no infrastructure

    TLDR- how to maintain some level of biosecurity with no running water and nowhere to change clothes? Some context for my question: A couple of years ago, my partner inherited some property about a 40 minute drive away. It is raw, undeveloped land. We spent the last 2 summers clearing out some...
  11. T

    8wk pullets left without water- not sure how long

    Thank you so so much to everyone who responded and helped with reassurance. We're moving them to their permanent coop today!
  12. T

    8wk pullets left without water- not sure how long

    Panicking, lol. They were acting completely normal when I got home last night
  13. T

    8wk pullets left without water- not sure how long

    My partner is out of town, and I was out of the house for longer than expected today. When I came home my pullets didn't have any water left. They've been alone for 10+ hours many times in the past without using up all their water. I have no idea how long they went without water today. I left...
  14. T

    Chicken respiratory systems- did I screw up??

    A couple days ago I pan fried some fish and the house still smelled like it 24 hours later. I was going to boil some water with drops of citronella oil over the stove the help with the smell. Before doing so, I checked if citronella is safe for birds and found out it isn't, so I didn't use it...
  15. T

    Help with confusion over electrolytes and medicated feed

    Yeah, pure was maybe not the best word choice, I just meant that it's unaffected/less affected by the city pollution :) To the best of my knowledge, I have read before that amprolium as a prophylactic is only effective if started early. Definitely possible that I'm misremembering but I feel...
  16. T

    When/how to introduce outside dirt to 2wk chicks?

    Good thought on potential additives in the soil. We will have to double check that before adding anything to the brooder. Thanks for your perspective :)
  17. T

    When/how to introduce outside dirt to 2wk chicks?

    This is probably what we will do today! :) My main concern is the possibility that some of the weeds or leaf litter could be something that is toxic to them. I know that animals raised by their mothers in nature eat random vegetation all the time, but animals in nature die all the time
  18. T

    Help with confusion over electrolytes and medicated feed

    Also on this- is there any further reading you can direct me to regarding the effectiveness of starting medicated feed when they are older? I feel like I've seen so much about it only working if you get it into their system early. Not that I don't believe you, what you're saying makes sense, I'm...
  19. T

    When/how to introduce outside dirt to 2wk chicks?

    That makes sense! Do you think giving them soil and weeds pulled from our garden containers is a good idea? There's also a parkway across the street but that dirt is probably full of pesticides and covered in dog poop. Or we can just wait until the next chance we have to get out to our rural...
  20. T

    Help with confusion over electrolytes and medicated feed

    First of all- thank you so much for taking the time to write this response :) Second, I have actually read your old post before haha, I have been lurking on this forum for weeks before we even got the chicks!! Having read that post is part of why I decided to discontinue the medicated feed for...
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