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  1. Lolemar22

    New chicks and new rooster

    Great idea. Bought a couple for my dog a few months ago! Will use one but I'm moving them out next week so I've been opening the garage door last weel and they get sun.
  2. Lolemar22

    When to mix w/ rooster?

    Hi. Welcome! I'm on the same boat, here in central fl. I will move my chicks at 6 weeks ago next week, they have been getting sun on and off and have a rooster (6 mo old as well) that is lonely so I will place them in a separate area of the coop so they can see each other and interact without...
  3. Lolemar22

    New chicks and new rooster

    Thanks! I'll get the fish net (hubby has one) so I'll work on getting the set up so I can take them out this week. It's gonna be always supervised so no worries.
  4. Lolemar22

    New chicks and new rooster

    Any tips on how I can take them out every day and get more sun? I have a hawk in my neighborhood and I was thinking on putting 2 or 3 chicks at a time in a smaller brooder box with a net covering the it. Any other suggestions?
  5. Lolemar22

    New chicks and new rooster

    Thanks!. I already switched because chicks were too hot and going away from the heater. Besides they are 5 weeks already and my garage is warm all the time. They are already trying to get out since we are in the 80s during the day and 60s at night. They are getting big!
  6. Lolemar22

    Introducing myself

    Hi Nathan, I'm Lorena. Newbie here too. Also a gardener and dog lover. Getting in tune with what it takes to take care of chickens and learn as much as I can. I found this site very useful. Good luck 🤞
  7. Lolemar22

    New chicks and new rooster

    Thank you! Yes, they are! Love they already recognize and follow my voice!
  8. Lolemar22

    New chicks and new rooster

    Only one rooster and 9 chicks. I'm planning on setting up a separate space for the rooster inside the corral but I am just trying to work with the space I need to separate them at night. Idea is to have them loose during most of day (have an acre for them to run around). Yes corral has double...
  9. Lolemar22

    New chicks and new rooster

    Thanks for the welcome message! . That is the run attached to the coop, which is also inside of a horse stall I closed in with wire, which is about 16'x16'.
  10. Lolemar22

    New chicks and new rooster

    Hello 👋 Newbie here. Got a few chicks which are 4 weeks old already and now I got a 6 mo old rooster. Have the chicks on a brooder set up in my garage (still in the 50s in central fl) so I am planning on moving them to the coop in about 2 weeks or so but I got a new (buff orpington as well)...
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