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  1. Rikkibird

    Review by 'Rikkibird' in article 'Keeping Chickens Without Free Ranging'

    This article was very helpful in giving me ideas on how to keep my ladies happy and healthy this year! I will definitely be utilizing several of the suggestions in this article. I love to sit with the girls now while they are in our garage in a large wire pen and I was kind of bummed out about...
  2. Rikkibird

    Review by 'Rikkibird' in article 'Chicken Treat Chart: The Best Treats for Backyard Chickens'

    Thanks for the information!! I’ve been looking for a list of acceptable foods for my chickens. This was very helpful and I will print it out to keep it handy for the future.
  3. Rikkibird

    Review by 'Rikkibird' in article 'Reasons for Tossing Out Your Indoor Brooder and Start Raising Your Chicks Outdoors'

    Wow great article. I wish I had the space to utilize this method. It seems like so much less stress on new chicks and introducing them to the flock!
  4. Rikkibird

    New Member with lots of questions to help make my flick a happy productive family

    Helping each other be the best we can be as chicken enthusiasts is what I’m looking forward to learning from this group
  5. Rikkibird

    New Member with lots of questions to help make my flick a happy productive family

    I’m happy to join a group that’s dedicated to helping each other be successful chicken lovers
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