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  1. M

    Can’t figure out my baby chicks gender (5 weeks)

    Thank you! I will update in a couple weeks!
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    Can’t figure out my baby chicks gender (5 weeks)

    I can’t tell if it is a boy or a girl, I think it’s old enough to tell, no signs of being a rooster. Sorry if the pics are bad
  3. M

    What gender could this chicken be? Approximately 5 weeks old.

    Excuse me, how can you tell through a picture? I have one that looks like this but I think it’s a hen
  4. M

    4 day old baby chick with blood on both sides of nostrils, internal bleeding?

    She was stuck in weeds for a very long time, I'm assuming she was really tired after that- update- good news! shes drinking water, chirping, sleeping, eating, and walking
  5. M

    4 day old baby chick with blood on both sides of nostrils, internal bleeding?

    My mom said could be internal bleeding, idk tho , not sure what happened. My neighbor rescued her and called me. The blood is dried but she is not moving much, lightly chirping and cold. What to do?
  6. M

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 03-22-24 Pic by CCsGarden

    MARIE, MARTHA HELP I'M SINKING!!!- marie- Uhh do you think she needs help? martha- nope. she's just fine. HAHAHAHABAKOK!
  7. M

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 03-22-24 Pic by CCsGarden

    Wondering how I got this sleek, shiny coat? Dis how:cool: -ladies- ooooooo and ahhhhh
  8. M

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 03-22-24 Pic by CCsGarden

    Lemme, Lemme just make some room for the two of you... NOPE sorry not sorry Rita, love you Anita
  9. M

    Help!!! 1-2 week chick with hurt leg, deets in my message below.

    Ok so this morning I was examining her and it seems one leg stretches out more than the other... I think she just has a shorter leg. Has this ever happened to anyone?
  10. M

    Help!!! 1-2 week chick with hurt leg, deets in my message below.

    Tuna in water, never heard of that! I'll try that soon, At the moment I'm feeding her egg yolk with Flockleader Thrive in it Also she is scratching with the other chick, I can't seem to find what's wrong with her leg though
  11. M

    Help!!! 1-2 week chick with hurt leg, deets in my message below.

    The black chick is the new one, see how bad the cam is... but she's standing just fine
  12. M

    Help!!! 1-2 week chick with hurt leg, deets in my message below.

    Ok I'll definitely look some stuff up. Right now it seems she is standing on both legs but is still hobbling around. I'll see what I can do about vitamins... I wonder, is there any home remedy for vitamins for chickens? I'll also look this up but any advice would be greatly appreciated
  13. M

    Help!!! 1-2 week chick with hurt leg, deets in my message below.

    Thanks so much! Where I live we have no poultry vet and I have Flockleader Thrive daily water supplement, Is this ok? Also I have a camera on my computer but it is very blurry and low quality so I figured just not use it
  14. M

    Help!!! 1-2 week chick with hurt leg, deets in my message below.

    My brothers brought me a hurt baby chick 5 minutes ago. She has a bad leg and drags her body with one leg and her wings. presumably attacked by a hawk. I cant tell if her leg is strained, broken or dislocated. Unfortunately I cannot provide pictures because I don't have a phone or camera. Any...
  15. M

    Bible Verse sharing

    Even though I'm not a parent, I just like this verse. I scrolled upon it today and smiled and said "yep, this is the one :)" It also may give some parents the encouragement they didn't know they needed.
  16. M

    Question of the Day - Friday, March 22nd, 2024

    I love the warm sun! Since the air isn't so chilly I can actually enjoy the sun! Also more chances for me to go to the beach!
  17. M

    What is wrong with my chicken?

    My chick was 2 weeks at the time and she was sneezing and sounded a little like your chicken, I fed her yolk and she was fine! But it most likely is what nuthatched said
  18. M

    What is wrong with my chicken?

    Could be an upper respiratory disease, someone recommended to me that I feed mine with yolk and probiotics mixed together
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