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  1. B

    Colour morphs - where to find ?

    Hi! I have a small cover of pharaoh quail, and I am hoping at some point to breed and/or add some other colours into the group. The breeder near me only has pharaoh. Any tips of sourcing other colours?? I'm in the Toronto region (Ontario, Canada). Willing to take eggs or chicks. Also in no rush...
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    Beak Injury to male quail

    So the underbite is just because the whole covering of his upper beak came off.... he didn't have the underbit before. What you can see of his upper beak now is faily soft and sensitive. The tip started bleeding as he was picking at his food, and his behaviour indicates it is sore. I have seen...
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    Beak Injury to male quail

    It doesn't look too bad - to be honest I might not have noticed anything was wrong with the beak if I hadn't seen the piece come off. It was just barely attached to the centre of the cere when I noticed, and it came off as I was investigating further.
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    Beak Injury to male quail

    My male quail (few months old) has been kept separate from the hens after a head injury. I'm uncertain if the girls inflicted the injury or if he injured it himself when spooked by something. He was healing well from that injury, but has now managed to break the sheath of this top beak off...
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    Winter and Quail - MN COLD winter! (-30 to -50 F)

    Curious what you ended up doing. Any advice for ground keeping in the winter after this past season? I have a few quail now in a ground pen. I'm in southern Ontario, so we get cold temps but not THAT cold. This past winter was particularly mild. Down to -20 C (-4 F) maybe for a few days...
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    Hello from a Quail Newbie

    "Nicks Chicks" Sorry for the delay in response!
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    "Chicken Health" All in One - product review?

    Has anyone used this product with their quail? I haven't been able to find Sav-a-Chick Brand electrolytes or probiotics near me, but came across this. Any thoughts? Just trying to help my quail chicks (almost 4 weeks) with occasionally less than ideal poops. Nothing crazy that I'm...
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    New to Quail - Poop Analysis

    Any recommendations on products/brands for probiotics?
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    New to Quail - Poop Analysis

    Ok thank you. Can you explain why mealworms is a problem at a younger age? I had tried to look up when they are appropriate previously and couldn't find a clear answer. Any suggestions for appropriate treats at this age? Hoping to keep socializing them.
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    New to Quail - Poop Analysis

    Turkey/gamebird starter. Occasional mealworms. 🤷‍♀️ I haven't been able to identify any specific individual that seems 'off'.
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    New to Quail - Poop Analysis

    Thanks! Appreciate the analysis. The concept of cecal poops is new to me so your comments are helpful in learning to distinguish the difference. Foamy poop was mentioned as potentially coming from mature males, but I saw this one yesterday and my quail are only 2 weeks old. Thoughts?
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    Hello from a Quail Newbie

    Thanks! I haven't navigated this site a whole lot yet so I appreciate the links and tips for searching :) And yes, my plan has always been to transition them outside so no worries there!
  13. B

    New to Quail - Poop Analysis

    Hey everyone, I'm new to raising quail and try to get an understanding of normal vs abnormal poop. I have 11 chicks, 2 weeks old. The photos show some.kf the variation in poop that I'm seeing. Any advice as to what's normal or not? I've read lots but haven't found many photos to compare to...
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    Hello from a Quail Newbie

    Hey everyone, I'm Beth :) I just got my FIRST flock about a week ago: 11 Coturnix Quail chicks. They are 2 weeks old and I'm loving every minute of having them. Enjoying the young indoor phase while it lasts (my family isn't quite onboard with the idea of a long term house-quail 😜). Excited...
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