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  1. J

    Marek's Cutaneous?

    These pics are from this morning. His feet look better but Not sure how to proceed. I want what is best for him and the others
  2. J

    Marek's Cutaneous?

    I currently have a flick of 23. Three were added , as rescues, 7 weeks ago. The 3 I took in are Large White French Marans. One Rooster and 2 hens. I noticed day two the Rooster seemed to walk differently. After close examination his feet looked horrible. I took pictures to two different Vets...
  3. J

    Just hatched!

    This morning I put her in a clean warm brooder. What ever she was dragging is still attached but dried up significantly. She is so frail, walking. Would she still be alive if it were part of her insides? She made a horrible mess inside the incubator there was a lot of blood at first. Before...
  4. J

    Just hatched!

    This baby just hatched. It looks like something is wrong. I thought it was the yolk sac. It looks like her insides. Any suggestions
  5. J

    My Rooster's feet look horrible. Please advise.

    We cleaned it well, sprayed all new bedding. Thank you
  6. J

    My Rooster's feet look horrible. Please advise.

    Rooster has been here 4 days. He is a rescue. Large White French Marans. Day 1 they got here late Rooster and 2 hens. Kind of stayed to themselves. Day 2 I thought the Rooster was walking gingerly. I am not familiar with feathered feet and legs. As I was able to get closer I noticed his feet...
  7. J


    I love this. It sums up my feelings pretty much.
  8. J


    Hey Everyone Very new here and I like this already. Very informative. It is nice to know I am not the only one that loves their chicken. We started with four and now have 25. We hatched them all but 7. Yesterday we were given three Large White French Marans. Talk about love at first sight...
  9. J

    What is this please?

    Sorry I am new to this. We took him as a rescue. He came with two hens Thank you. First time on here not sure how this works but I appreciate the help
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