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  1. M

    Hey I am interested in some hatching eggs. How much do you charge and to ship?

    Hey I am interested in some hatching eggs. How much do you charge and to ship?
  2. M

    What heat source is the safest for my chicks?

    Could I just change my bulb to the ceramic bulb? And I have it right now sitting on top of the trough pointed down on top of some chicken wire. My husband made a top to the trough with wood/chicken wire has a piece of wood sticking up so that way the light claps on it and pointing down onto...
  3. M

    What heat source is the safest for my chicks?

    Right now I have been using the old heat lamp everyone frowns upon. I heard stories of things getting burn down from these and I just want to know what other heat source can I use for my chick babies. They are in a metal water trough with thick shavings. They are about 2 weeks old today. I will...
  4. M

    Cutting or removing a roosters spur

    I know they are two different things…. I said which would be the best way trim OR remove. I don’t want to hurt him but I don’t want him to hurt my hens with his long spurs.
  5. M

    Cutting or removing a roosters spur

    Because they are long………
  6. M

    Cutting or removing a roosters spur

    I just got a new rooster today and I noticed his spurs are long. I am trying to find the best way to remove or trim them.
  7. M

    Chicken not moving, won’t walk and head is slowly going in circles. Help!

    Okay so now she has her eyes closed, throwing head back and gasping air like she is having trouble breathing
  8. M

    Rouen eggs

    Okay, I have three drakes and two hens. They stay at my pond near the house and come up when to be fed every morning. I haven’t seen them try to mate the females just yet.
  9. M

    Rouen eggs

    Okay good. I have an incubator that rotators them multiple times a day(I have used it for my chicken eggs) do I need to take that out and just rotate them myself?
  10. M

    Rouen eggs

    I have some Rouen ducks that are of age of laying now (10 months) yesterday I found two eggs in random open spots. How long do I wait to put them in the incubator? I have them in an egg carton in a dark place right now. I turned the incubator on yesterday while I let the eggs sit. Since I didn’t...
  11. M

    Chicken not moving, won’t walk and head is slowly going in circles. Help!

    Okay, but my roosters and hens are together what would be the best way to feed all of them? Or can I mix in a different food with the layer food so the roosters can get what they need? What about putting vitamins in their water for the rest of the flock?
  12. M

    Chicken not moving, won’t walk and head is slowly going in circles. Help!

    The young Roos were around 7 months old and this hen that is sick now she is around a year old. If it is a deficiency what do you recommend I use? I feed tractor supply layer pellets and some scratch grain every morning. They get table scraps every now and then, but not recently.
  13. M

    Chicken not moving, won’t walk and head is slowly going in circles. Help!

    Please I need some help. I recently had two of my frizzle Roos that were around 7 months old and one just all of a sudden died and the other had been limping around and both had green poop. Well the other recently just past and now one of my hens isn’t doing well. I found her on the floor of the...
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