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  1. P

    How do I properly introduce my new chickens to my flock?

    It's too late to introduce at the "age point", these are not the babies of current hens so their considered invaders to flock. They'll have to be big enough to defend themselves more. I would take your lead hen put her in a see-thru cage and put that in with the young ones stall (24/7) for 30...
  2. P

    Rooster lost his crow after hawk attack

    Vocal cord massage if no physical attack to neck. He'll grow into his vocals just much later.
  3. P

    Hen afraid of rooster

    Tether rooster for minimum 30 days in center of open. Only hens that want him will go to him. Release and see if he goes directly to hen on question, prevent contact. You'll have you answer, either he goes or that hen will have to go if things get messy. This task is meant to redirect his focus...
  4. P

    Rooster attacking hen

    It will get worse when your not around and death will occur. Get rid of rooster or the hens.
  5. P

    Rooster gone mean - singling out hen

    Never have less than 25 to 1 ratio of hens to a rooster. Remove the hen or remove the rooster, one has to go or death will occur. Best the rooster since you don't have the minimum ratio. Hens only have one ovary , if damaged by rooster she won't lay eggs anyway. If feathers are gone, rooster has...
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