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  1. E

    Rooster and flock members targeting one hen

    So I have an update, along with a weird question. I've kept them separate from each other, the EE roo and the Delaware hen. They both interact with the flock, Noone is 100% isolated. I have a screen divider set in the coop. So it's been fine so far. Everyone free ranges nicely together and the...
  2. E

    Rooster and flock members targeting one hen

    Any updates? I'm going through the same issue with a rooster of the same breed.
  3. E

    My rooster keeps attacking one hen and I don't know what to do...

    I guess this Delaware hen he's been attacking was top hen at some point before I got the easter egger pullets and the rooster. I remember she would shoo him the first couple days we had him. But they've been all together for months now.
  4. E

    My rooster keeps attacking one hen and I don't know what to do...

    Only reason i got him to begin with was because of a hawk problem. Thought he'd protect all the hens, not single one out to beat her.
  5. E

    My rooster keeps attacking one hen and I don't know what to do...

    He just started attacking her and only her this past week. So hopefully its not something thats too hard wired. If this doesnt work I'll just have to make room in the freezer.
  6. E

    My rooster keeps attacking one hen and I don't know what to do...

    I was looking at pinless peepers on amazon actually. How long did you keep it on your flock bully?
  7. E

    My rooster keeps attacking one hen and I don't know what to do...

    I currently have 9 birds total, two Delaware hens, three Jersey Giant hens, three easter eggers pullets and my easter egger rooster. Recently the rooster has been attacking one of the Delawares. At first I thought he was just young and overly enthusiastic to mate because even my jersey hens...
  8. E

    Hawk killed my pullet...just wanted to vent.

    So far we've done a couple thing: 1) netting over the chicken run 2) no unsupervised outings 3) and a young rooster joined the flock he's a 22-26 weeks old easter egger. 4) several shiny reflective metal wind chimes on the pine trees near the coop I just feel bad because these ladies were so...
  9. E

    Hawk killed my pullet...just wanted to vent.

    Bonnie was 23 weeks old, an Ameraucana(maybe easter egger?). She was already squatting down whenever I squealed her name or went to pet her. She's be the first to come running, followed behind me in the yard most of spring and all summer just loudly demanding treats. Sweetest little thing. Hawk...
  10. E

    My jersey giant is broody?

    If she's still sitting on the ceramic eggs in the morning I'll remove them. I'll prep the dog kennel tomorrow too just in case she's really determined. We don't have a rooster yet. So even if she actually sat there on her own eggs nothing will hatch.
  11. E

    My jersey giant is broody?

    I'm so confused though because it's the middle of winter here in central ny. And she's not even a year old yet. I got them as day old chicks on May of 2023.
  12. E

    My jersey giant is broody?

    Hmm looks more like a puff ball than a pancake I guess
  13. E

    My jersey giant is broody?

    She let me pick her up and put her on the roost next to the others but immediately went back to the next
  14. E

    My jersey giant is broody?

    She is all fluffed up but didn't growl or anything. She's sitting on a couple ceramic eggs that I leave in the nests so they know where to lay. I put her on the roost and moved the eggs to a different nest and she followed the eggs.
  15. E

    My jersey giant is broody?

    Hi, I'm new to keeping backyard chickens. Currently have two Delawares and three Jersey Giants. All of them started laying end of October and early November. Today I noticed one of the JGs sitting in the nesting box, figured she was taking her time laying her egg but she was there still in the...
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