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  1. S

    Duck diarrhea???

    My ducks are about 5 weeks old and have been acting perfectly fine. Both quacking and and wagging their tails and running around a lot in their coop and run space not hunched and their eyes look fine. I have noticed their breathing more but I figured it's just because they are a heavier breed...
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    Outside Cayuga question

    Thank you for the advice! Don't misunderstand, I fully want to make sure they are as safe and happy as possible. Just wanting to make they're able to free-range safely and have fun on the pond.
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    Outside Cayuga question

    So my two Cayugas are about 2 weeks old now. Once they get feathered out I had wanted to have them outside on my pond. I know it takes about 7-8 weeks for them to be fully feathered. Right now it's a little snowy and cold but not too bad. My question would be, is there something I need to do to...
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    Day 23 Internal Pip

    Yeah it's fine haha. I noticed both of them tend to lay their necks back when they start falling asleep 😆
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    Day 23 Internal Pip

    Well in that case!
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    Day 23 Internal Pip

    They're Cayugas!
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    Day 23 Internal Pip

    Great call. I moved him and he's walking normally and even drank some water. Looked like he got some energy back in him and the other duckling calmed down too. I played kalimba for both of them and they passed out 😂 thanks everyone who helped me through this process. I did end up making a few...
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    Day 23 Internal Pip

    It was kind of hard to get a pic of the lil guy trying to stand up since it was sleeping but I'll try to get a better one later. The other leg is like this too
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    Day 23 Internal Pip

    It hatched last night at maybe 11PM around
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    Day 23 Internal Pip

    So it's still not quite walking but trying to stand up and then its leg goes to the side. It's been scooting around and sleeping mostly. I figured it might be splayed leg but I'm not quite sure what I should do at this point. I'm nervous to put it back in the brooder with the other duckling...
  11. S

    Day 23 Internal Pip

    Baby 2 hatched but it was a little smaller than the other one and very weak. It kept getting trampled and was barely moving. I took baby 1 to the brooder and put a little mirror to try and distract it from not having its sibling with it. Just not really sure what I can do for this little one in...
  12. S

    Day 23 Internal Pip

    Baby 1 is running around a lot pecking at things and peeping 😊 but it's still slightly wet especially on its head. I started to decrease the temperature on the incubator just a little bit too get it ready for the brooder. The other egg hasn't made any progress though :/ it did peep every now and...
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    Day 23 Internal Pip

    Within the past couple hours the one with the big hole finally came out! I'm so relieved. Poor babies so tired.
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    Day 23 Internal Pip

    My little baby pipped! And definitely not the the place I though it was (the bruise). Is it possible it moved? But it ended up pipping in the hole I made!
  15. S

    Day 23 Internal Pip

    No progress on the egg that made a crack this morning, but it has been shaking now and then and peeping. The egg with the bruise has been shaking and peeping a lot. No cracks in its shell though. So not quite sure what to do at this point. Tempted to just leave them tonight and see what the...
  16. S

    Day 23 Internal Pip

    The bruise is right below the hole I made, so still in the aircell! And about an hour ago it started talking again and shaking a LOT so I guess I just need to sit back and let them work. I've been encouraging them all morning and it seems to be work a little!
  17. S

    Day 23 Internal Pip

    It's officially day 28. The left one that was peeping a lot and I could see a lot of movement from the hole I made. It looked like it was trying to make a hole of its own which looked like a little bruise spot. But it stopped at some point and hasn't gone any further. Even it's breathing looks...
  18. S

    Day 23 Internal Pip

    Can I put coconut oil on the membrane to moisten it? I think I see where the beak I'd trying to break out but I think the membrane is too try
  19. S

    Day 23 Internal Pip

    Another update, the egg made a peep nose a couple times now and I see it from the hole moving a lot and making motions like it's trying to get out but I don't see any beak :/ and does that membrane look too dry to anyone else?
  20. S

    Day 23 Internal Pip

    Alright so I decided to wait till today to remove the tape just in case so I can reduce the time of the membrane being exposed. So I removed it pretty quickly while misting water in the incubator to hopefully compensate the loss of humidity and after, both eggs started shaking a lot. I'm still...
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