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  1. J

    Best colour combinations in a Silkie flock for breeding??

    Thank you for informing me :) I’ve only heard about the Isabella thing very recently and haven’t done a lot of research on it or colour genetics
  2. J

    Best colour combinations in a Silkie flock for breeding??

    this thread is a bit old but i think having a lavender rooster with a bunch of different coloured hens could be fun. the lavender colour usually lightens whatever you mix it with which produces more lavender or different kinds of isabella chicks.
  3. J

    Splash rooster colours

    i bought this splash rooster and got him yesterday from an orpington breeder and wanted to know wether they're supposed to have yellow feathers or not? i've never seen them on one and they don't really seem visible in the photos i recieved of him either (the last 3(the ones before that were...
  4. J

    An unknown seemingly fatal disease seems to have appeared in my flock

    This morning I went to the coop to check on the sick chickens and 2 more have died. They were both 2 mature hens, I’m unsure of the age though (I think the one was probably under 2 years and the other is definitely more than 2 based of egg production), meanwhile the 2 younger ones that aren’t...
  5. J

    An unknown seemingly fatal disease seems to have appeared in my flock

    The nearest vet to me that will work with chickens is in another town but we’re going there on Tuesday (they took swabs of a sick chicken with respiratory issues to find out exactly what’s causing it) so I’ll take one along if they end up dying. The entire flock was treated for coccidiosis less...
  6. J

    An unknown seemingly fatal disease seems to have appeared in my flock

    Yesterday I noticed 2 of my chickens just standing with their heads pulled. They were able to walk around but seemed a bit weak. This morning I found the one dead and 2 more chickens that look like that. the only symptoms are that their eyes look a bit strange and the one has a lot of saliva in...
  7. J

    Possible Broken Toe

    I unfortunately don’t have photos of them a few days ago but I am absolut certain that the left foot’s toes were all straight a couple of days ago. here’s a couple of photos of the chicken
  8. J

    Will a light bulb keep chickens warm in the winter?

    Do not put in any heating lamps (like the ones used used for chicks) they can be extremely hot on the surface and set your coop on fire. There are special heaters made for chicken coops that won’t cause fires so look for some of those instead if you decide to add heating to the coops.
  9. J

    Possible Broken Toe

    She‘s a show chicken from the best breeder in the country so it’s definitely not a deformity and instead an injury since the foot with the ring on it wasn’t like this a few days ago.
  10. J

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    i think the vet might be able to put him down like they normally do with cats and dogs and that might be the quickest and least painful way for him to die. But if that’s not possible or you can’t get an appointment with the vet soon enough you could try to give him some water and rather leave...
  11. J

    Possible Broken Toe

    I noticed my chickens toe was looking weird about 3 days ago and when I went to go get photos the other toe was also looking strange. I’m going to wrap her toe and put a stick or something next to the toe but would this heal the toe and are there better ways to do it?
  12. J

    A chick that won't open its eyes

    I hatched the chick myself and it was the last one to hatch so they usually have a lower chance of survival in my experience. theres no sign of pasty butt or anything like that and it moves around just fine without bumping into the food bowl or other chicks. I hear no strange breathing sounds...
  13. J

    A chick that won't open its eyes

    I dont know. The way the light is placed and the size of the crate in makes it so that’s there’s really warm spot (but not too hot for the chicks) and some where the light doesn’t reach
  14. J

    A chick that won't open its eyes

    This morning we noticed that one of our light sussex chicks (2 days old) wasn't opening her eyes so i gently cleaned them with salt water and it opened its eyes. As soon as i put the chick back in the brooder it closed it eyes. I made sure it drinks water but i havent seen it eating. Why is...
  15. J

    What Breed is this?

    I’ve also thought Wyandotte but they have rounder feathers with a black border while this one has white borders around them
  16. J

    What would be the outcome of this cross

    I’m unsure of how the chicks would look but you’ll most likely get a chicken that lays light eggs since that’s what Australorps and speckled Sussex lay
  17. J

    What Breed is this?

    I’m thinking dark brahma but the lots of white on the front of the body and feathers don’t really match with all the photos I’ve seen
  18. J

    unsure about my light Sussex’s gender

    He was hatched in an incubator by other people who gave him to me as a young chick since he wasn't doing well with them. i had a new hampshire rooster before getting the sussex but the new hampshire was rehomed when i had the sussex for 3 months at most and he was staying inside the house for...
  19. J

    Does orpington feathering have anything to do with gender.

    I have various Orpington chicks (blue, laced, cuckoo) and I've noticed that my oldest one first got wing feathers, then on the head and then the ones on the body started to appear. Meanwhile i have younger chicks who's feathers also grew on the wings first now they're getting some around on the...
  20. J

    unsure about my light Sussex’s gender

    I agree that this chicken looks like a cockerel and has a bunch of the features but this all happened suddenly. below are photos of the chicken when he/she was probably around 6 or 7 months old and looked like a pullet. I know that it could take some chickens longer to mature but it’s strange...
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