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    Review by 'SobiasBirds' in article 'Guide to Assisted Hatching for All Poultry'

    This is amazing advice thank you so much, my chick pipped 5 hours ago and is moving its beak and I now know that it’s absorbing the yolk, Thanks!
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    Fox attacked Hen and left a huge wound exposing flesh - Help, Advice needed

    I’m based in the Uk just 20 miles outside London. Thank you so much for the advice, I didn’t think about the huge temperature difference. It 0 degrees C outside and about 20 C in the house, I’ll move her to the garage in the morning. Thanks Again ☺️
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    Fox attacked Hen and left a huge wound exposing flesh - Help, Advice needed

    Hi FunClucks, Thank you so much for taking your time out to reply to me I’ve been so worried about her. It’s reassuring to know that hens heal quite well on their own. I stitched as the would was far too larger and exposed, was scary doing it that’s for sure. I can’t believe she didn’t even...
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    Fox attacked Hen and left a huge wound exposing flesh - Help, Advice needed

    I’ve just experienced an attack on one of my hens, a fox attacked her and she has a huge area where her flesh is exposed (approximately 6 inches) with a one inch long deep pucture wound in the flesh. Thankfully she seems quite well in herself and is eating and drinking. After googling a few...
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    Injured chicken - need advice with stitches

    Hi Amy, I’m so glad to hear your girls is doing well. It’s so lovely to read all the messages. I’ve just experienced something similar with one of my hens, a fox attacked her and she has a huge area where her flesh is exposed (approximately 6 inches) with a one inch long deep pucture wound in...
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