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  1. Chickie McChickerson

    New member introduction

    Love it! I actually have access to electricity close to my coop. I wonder if blowing a box fan thru the ice would help? It might melt the ice too quickly though. Just thinking out loud. This is all trial and error for me. I'm glad I hooked up with y'all to bounce ideas around!
  2. Chickie McChickerson

    New member introduction

    Hey! Thats where I am! I am not looking forward to the triple digits this summer. What have you found to be the best way to keep the your flock cool?
  3. Chickie McChickerson

    New member introduction

    Thank you so much!
  4. Chickie McChickerson

    New member introduction

    Thank you so much!
  5. Chickie McChickerson

    New member introduction

    On October 23 I found a tiny cate all busted up on a farm to market road called 333, we took him to the vet and he had high of 103, i found him on 10/23/23 all busted up on a road called 333. He had 103 degrees of fever and weighed 3.3 pounds. He had to have 3 stitches in his mouth. We were...
  6. Chickie McChickerson

    Silky hatch-along and OdoBan on eggs experiment

    Thank you! I did just that! Pictures to come.....🍄
  7. Chickie McChickerson

    New member introduction

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Never have I ever had chickens until 3 1/2 weeks ago (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 4 (3) What breeds do you have? Australorp~Stevie Golden Laced Wyandotte~Miranda Buff Orpington~Dolly Silkie~Silkie McSilkerson (4)...
  8. Chickie McChickerson

    Silky hatch-along and OdoBan on eggs experiment

    Thank you! I just got a silkie and I'm in love with this baby! Much luck with the hatch! Hopefully I can keep up with it. Today is the first time I have navigated around on here and my performance is way less than stellar! :confused:
  9. Chickie McChickerson

    Help choosing a flock to manage..

    Well I have had my 4 chicks for 3 1/2 weeks so these are definitely thoughts and not advice! We wanted the chick experience so we got our ladies when they were 2 days old. They are a lot of work but we are retired so have the time to do it. They seem to have bonded to each other and us. They...
  10. Chickie McChickerson

    Silky hatch-along and OdoBan on eggs experiment

    I would love to name one of your silkies Marilyn (f) and Monroe (m)
  11. Chickie McChickerson

    Best greens for chickens in the winter?

    We had some microgreens ready to eat so I just gave them a clump of those along with their chick grit. They are certainly not as excited about them as they are the apples but it is entertaining them picking off pieces and running from each other. If I am giving them treats (veggies, fruits)...
  12. Chickie McChickerson

    Best greens for chickens in the winter?

    Good morning. My 3 1/2 week old babies love love love apples. Do ok with grapes. Are they old enough to try the barley grass? What about the mixed veggies?
  13. Chickie McChickerson

    First egg!

    Yayayayayayay! I get my chicks 12-15 and can hardly wait for that first egg! I just joined today and wanna thank everybody in advance for all the help!
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