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  1. SpeckySussex

    Is this Easter egger a roo or a hen?

    X2 Could be a pullet but, I'm thinking it's a cockerel.
  2. SpeckySussex

    Is this Easter egger a roo or a hen?

    The comb makes me think it's a pullet, but the feathers are more similar to a cockerels. X2 Try to get some saddle feather pics.
  3. SpeckySussex

    Disabled Chickens Forum

    I have a disabled bird. She has a crossbeak and is unable to walk. Her legs have been messed up for all most of her life but she has good life quality and seems very peaceful. I have a picture but it won't load.
  4. SpeckySussex

    Praire Bluebell Eggers

    You can wing sex birds once they grow some of their first real feathers. This should happen in a few days.
  5. SpeckySussex

    Hi from down South!

    Welcome to BYC! Your birds are beautiful!
  6. SpeckySussex

    Barnvelder Chick Sexing

    ×2 A different color variety or maybe a mixed up chick that's not a Barnevelder. You can also tell the boys and girls apart by their wings. A girl has two rows or feathers at different lengths and a boy has all of the growing in feathers at the same length.
  7. SpeckySussex

    2 chicks are strangers

    As long as you got them from a place with good conditions and they're similar in age they will be perfectly fine.
  8. SpeckySussex

    Getting Narragansett's to set on eggs

    I wouldn't risk putting all the fertile eggs out at once, but maybe put out one and add a few fake eggs or infertile chicken eggs. Personally I've never done this with turkeys....
  9. SpeckySussex

    Myoplasmosis in eggs

    What birds are you looking at getting?
  10. SpeckySussex

    Hi I’m new to BYC

    Welcome to BYC! :welcome
  11. SpeckySussex

    Myoplasmosis in eggs

    The Internet really doesn't say anything about this. My guess is that the bird hatches depending on the amount of infection and does infect other birds. I really don't know and I would just only buy fertile eggs from certified and professional breeders to reduce the risk of introducing it to...
  12. SpeckySussex

    Myoplasmosis in eggs

    I have never heard of this, my guess is that the only way for the eggs to get it would be genetics. (Don't quote me on this)
  13. SpeckySussex

    What breed of duck is this?

    ×2. Most likely Fawn and White Runner
  14. SpeckySussex

    Chicken won’t lay down

    What your looking for is symptoms of an infected crop or signs of her adjusting her crop. Look for whether her crop is big or small, hard/firm when you gently press on it or soft/squishy. If she's adjusting it or it's infected, it would make sense why she doesn't sit down because it would be...
  15. SpeckySussex

    Chicken won’t lay down

    ×2 I would definitely check her crop.
  16. SpeckySussex

    Chicken won’t lay down

    She might be egg bound.I really don't know because she is acting fine. My speckled Sussex have gotten egg bound more that any other bird we've had, but the act droopy, don't eat much, and often you can catch them visibly trying to pass the egg. She might have hurt a joint in her leg and bending...
  17. SpeckySussex

    Twins? Candling day 11

    This is so interesting! 🤯 Can't wait to see what happens! :thumbsup
  18. SpeckySussex

    Rooster has exposed bone where once there was a toe

    Watch to make sure it doesn't get infected but I think he'll be okay. Keep doing the same treatments you have been doing as they might help save the rest of the foot, but you probably don't need to wrap it unless you see excessive tissue exposure when/if he looses another toe or if infection...
  19. SpeckySussex

    Rooster has exposed bone where once there was a toe

    Could you please post a picture? I'm not sure whether it will get blocked or not but it would be helpful. The treatments are great for keeping infection out of it. What type of chicken is he? If he doesn't have feathered feet then I would suggest wrapping the toe to keep the hens from picking at...
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