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  1. Hens having Fun

    Advice on selecting a hen friend for my lonely hen.

    The lighter hen is the new hen (Araucana Grey) her name is Charlize, she loves her big sister Cher (Silver Sussex). Both hens are really enjoying each other's company.
  2. Hens having Fun

    Fleas are eating my kitten alive..please help

    Fleas have a cycle, they jump on to a pet to feed on blood and poo that black dirt (dried digested blood), then they use that blood to feed the eggs inside of them, they lay the eggs (up to 50 a day) on the animal, the pet scratches and disperses the eggs all over the place into carpet...
  3. Hens having Fun

    Unusual,strange and weird places your hens have laid their eggs?

    With spring well and truly here in Australia, hens are going broody and want to hide their eggs. Despite have multiple layer boxes, I found my hens have laid in all sorts of strange places over the years. A few years back they have laid in a old empty glass fish tank stored in my shed. Where is...
  4. Hens having Fun

    scaley leg treatment

    Yes where I got her from the dog had attacked a few of her friends and she was the only one left :( I had two hens and I lost one unfortunately to old age (7 years old) and so i went on a search to find her a friend as I read chickens should not be alone. Just slowly introducing them at the...
  5. Hens having Fun

    scaley leg treatment

    thank you for this informaton you have been so helpful , I am so very grateful. i will look into Flubenol powder
  6. Hens having Fun

    scaley leg treatment

    thank you for your advice , so very helpful, really appreciate it. I will get some Avitrol Plus. Thank you for sharing where you buy yours from, so nice of you
  7. Hens having Fun

    Any ideas what breed this hen is?

    Hey i got a hold the previous owner she said it was a grey Araucana hen she bought off gumtree (similar to craigs list or other online sale website) I know in America they have no rump but in Australia they have rumps. What do you all think?
  8. Hens having Fun

    Any ideas what breed this hen is?

    Thank you for your reply and suggestions. Her feathers are not like a Silkie. I will research Polish hens.
  9. Hens having Fun

    scaley leg treatment

    thank you so much for your reply, I will try this. The people that I got her from said they had never wormed her since they had her. so I will ivermec her. also i will use Nu-stock as suggested by another member her.
  10. Hens having Fun

    Any ideas what breed this hen is?

    Thank you for your reply, I just counted she has x4 toes
  11. Hens having Fun

    scaley leg treatment

    Thank you so very much for your reply. :thumbsup I greatly appreciate it. I will buy some Nu-stock ( it was alittle hard finding in in Australia but i found it here ) Also may i ask I...
  12. Hens having Fun

    scaley leg treatment

    Hi all i just received a hen with bad scaley leg. the previous owner has been rubbing Vaseline on her legs but i believe it needs more treatment. i have topical ivomec my vet gave me for my rooster that had lice. can i use this to treat the hen. any advice would be much appreciated. thank you
  13. Hens having Fun

    Any ideas what breed this hen is?

    Hello everyone, was wondering if anyone might know what this breed of chicken is? I just got her yesterday. Unknown age
  14. Hens having Fun

    Advice on selecting a hen friend for my lonely hen.

    thank you for your advice , really appreciate it
  15. Hens having Fun

    Mud in my run

    Bark and mulch works very well in suppressing dust and mud. i did almost my whole property (600metres squared) as the hens free range. Works well.
  16. Hens having Fun

    Medications expiry date

    thank you for reply and thorough explanation, really interesting about the Piperazine no longer sold in the USA
  17. Hens having Fun

    Advice on selecting a hen friend for my lonely hen.

    thank you for your kind words thank you for your advice, I believe the hen that passed had a reproductive issue so not contagious, yes its spring here, i really was wanting to get a adult hen( if its suitable for the remaining hen). im located on only 600metre square block and don't have a lot...
  18. Hens having Fun

    Advice on selecting a hen friend for my lonely hen.

    Hi all, unfortunately my hen just passed away:(. its night time and she went to bed i heard a flap in her coop roosting compartment and she just passed. the other hen is in there still. should I leave her until the morning so the existing hen understands what happened and that her friend didn't...
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