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  1. janjan1

    Sour Crop or something else?

    Little Runt didn’t make it….
  2. janjan1

    Sour Crop or something else?

    I’ve got a 3 month old little hen, who actually is a runt. Very tiny compared to her hatch mates. She’s got a HUGE crop that I’ve noticed hasn’t gone down. Think like a “Dolly Parton” kinda tiny gal…..I currently have her isolated inside this morning after reading everyone’s posts, and have not...
  3. janjan1

    HUGE unabsorbed yolk

    Just a follow up, chick didn’t make it dispite what I did to aide it. the hazards of raising chickens, not all eggs hatch, not all that hatch will survive.
  4. janjan1

    HUGE unabsorbed yolk

    I’ve got one that had a HUGE unabsorbed yolk. There are several still unhatched eggs and one that successfully hatched and was wet but walking around. (I started with 40 eggs. 28 hatched successfully and are in the brooder. ) so, I opened the incubator , grabbed the one chick with huge...
  5. janjan1

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    I’ve got one that had a HUGE unabsorbed yolk. There are several still unhatched eggs and one that successfully hatched and was wet but walking around. (I started with 40 eggs. 28 hatched successfully and are in the brooder. ) so, I opened the incubator , grabbed the one chick with huge...
  6. janjan1

    How much bedding do you need?

    I live in NW Ga and use the deep deep bedding method. Shaving and hay/straw. They are out daily via the automatic run door. We have a lot of hawks & coyotes that live around us. The chicks usually roost in the rafters except for 3-4 that use a 4 rung roost I made closer to ground. Actually only...
  7. janjan1

    Injured hocks

    I’ve got a hen who seems to have injured hocks. She cannot walk but a few steps and balances herself with a wing. the roosters have piled on her multi able times the past month which I think contributed to her injury. I’ve kept her separated in her own large area of the coop along with a older...
  8. janjan1

    Pasty Butt Remedy... this works!

    Pasty butts can happen overnite. I look at my babies daily, and checked the butts yesterday. But didn’t look this morning like I usually do, and one developed pasty butt. I didn’t find it until this afternoon AFTER it had died. Quick, and I feel bad that I didn’t find it earlier. So now, I am...
  9. janjan1

    Refrigerator eggs

    Well guys, I looks like the final tally is 12 chicks. Three died attempting to hatch or shortly thereafter, and 5 eggs failed to even pip. But I feel it was a successful hatch of refrigerator eggs.
  10. janjan1

    Refrigerator eggs

    Also wanted to say that after the break in, I re-enforced ALL the wire around the coop with heavy duty wire and metal sheeting. I doubt even a snake can squeeze thru. Then have heavy duty plastic wrapping around so no wind or rain can enter run either. Yes up in rafters there is a small open...
  11. janjan1

    Oil radiator heater

    We here in NW Ga are experiencing a earlier than normal cold snap. My coop & run is enclosed and wrapped in heavy plastic sheeting so no rain or wind can enter, except for one small 4x4 section in rafters to allow moisture to escape. The run, It is about 25 X 30 ft in diameter with 6 X 6 coop...
  12. janjan1

    December hatch along

    I am hatching right now. 9 out and three pipping. These are all refrigerator eggs from my favorite hens who were recently killed. I have never hatched refrigerator eggs before.
  13. janjan1

    Refrigerator eggs

    I had two of my favorite hens slaughtered by a break in, either by neighbors dog or coyote. These two were the oldest of my flock and best layers. I have about 10 more spring pullets that laying too and one EE roo. The older hens layed larger darker colored eggs, (golden laced and a Maran)...
  14. janjan1

    Should this Roo be euthanized?

    He just had a very tramatic event happen and is still recovering. Just give him a few days. My old rooster withstood a attack and aftr a few days was back to his old self. But it did take a few days of pampering, which he really enjoyed.
  15. janjan1

    Speckled sussex?

    Kinda thought so, but thanks for the second opinion. I lucked out and got a good one I think. Based upon what I can find out, she is the kind of packing peanut people actually want.
  16. janjan1

    Speckled sussex?

    Here is a possible packing peanut, but dont know the breed. Guess?
  17. janjan1

    Pullet or Roo??

    I know what you mean, i hatched out 18....15 were boys.
  18. janjan1

    January 2016 Hatch-Come Join Me

    I started my hatch on 1/3/16. I started with about 28 brown n green eggs. My chicks should be 3 full EE, and the rest are 3/4 EE. I have the incubator on lockdown now, and I have two pipping with chirping. My temps have been good and humidifier temps are holding at 55-60.
  19. janjan1

    Muddy run! Help please!

    My run was muddy aft ran too. We finally bit the dust and roofed & remodeled our whole pen. We also put plastic sheeting over the walls to avoid the rain from blowing in. The run is now covers with shavings which has greatly helped the quality of life our chicks have. They really enjoy
  20. janjan1

    New run

    Yes that is a shipping container. No not part of the pen, just the side of the pen. I bought it a few years ago and use it to store hay in it. My insurance is cheaper if I do not store hay in my barn.
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