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  • Users: KC8
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  1. K

    8 weeks

    My friends chick's are about 10 weeks old now. Would you still say roo for both of these? She said the one in the foreground acts very roo like but the other doesn't
  2. K

    8 weeks

    Thank you both so much. Glad my guesses were fairly good. :)
  3. K

    8 weeks

    Can I please get some guesses on these 8 week old please. They belong to a friend. I've put my guesses on them but thought I'd get some opinions from more knowledgeable people :) Bit hard to tell with some on these photos a few are easier. I wasn't sure with the Australorps as I know they get...
  4. K

    Hen or Rooster

    Just wanted to post an update as its been nearly 3 weeks. Definitely a Rooster which I was not shocked about. He's a motley little thing lol But will stay here in a Bachelor pad (not for breeding just a pet) with his brothers as I've gotten attached to them all .... oops Here's a recent photo
  5. K

    Hen or Rooster

    I'm thinking I got it right then. The pullets have no redness at all. 4 hens 7 roos 🤦‍♀️😂 This is one if the girls
  6. K

    Hen or Rooster

    That's great info about the breed thank you!! It's the neighbours old roo that's gone now we don't own Polish so not familiar with feather type etc. There's one other roo that's bearded (the rest take after mum) I'll find a pic of him. This is both bearded boys in the same photo. Casper the...
  7. K

    Hen or Rooster

    Out little Polish cross babies are 7 weeks old now and we have a definite 6 roos and 4 hens. There's one however I've been saying roo for about 2 weeks but he's not progressing like his siblings. His comb is bigger than the girls and is slightly red but dark not like his brothers that have big...
  8. K

    Comb type

    Thank you! I have noticed on a few at the back of the single combs there a double bit like a star zoomed in but is this what you mean. The last little chock though is different and it looks like two single combs side by side. Oh OK thanks I love the mix of colours in the wing feathers of the...
  9. K

    Comb type

    So all the babies should have a V comb ? They mostly look like single combs except for one? They bought him as Polish but no idea if hes 100% or not. He seems to be Is the colour of Dad not called mottled? I just assumed the little chipmunk chick was going to be the same as him going by wing...
  10. K

    Comb type

    Thank you there is one that looks like that. The Dad is mottled so guessing going by her wing feathers that she might be too. Hope so it would be cute Excited too see how they go :)
  11. K

    Comb type

    My mixed breed hen just had babies with the neighbours Polish rooster.... 11 gorgeous chick's that I'm absolutely obsessed with lol I'll attach a photo of Mum and Dad. Mum has a single comb and Dad has a V comb. The babies all have single combs except for the youngest one. Is this a...
  12. K

    Eggs rolled out

    She hatched this sweet baby out safely during the night. So happy. The babies came over this morning when I went and sat in the little coop with her. Happy mumma hen today and super hungry
  13. K

    Eggs rolled out

    Thank you I forgot to update this evening. So she ended up fully abandoning the last 13 eggs.... I went out and they were cold and she had moved her babies about 30cms away. There was one egg that had pipped so I worried and eventually git it under her and it's now night time here so she will...
  14. K

    Eggs rolled out

    Hi we have a hen sitting on 23 eggs. She has hatched out 10 gorgeous babies the first was around 30hrs ago and the last about 3hrs ago. She is fed up and super tired!! She isn't rolling the eggs under herself any more and a few aren't even under her now. Is this just exhaustion, does she not...
  15. K

    Chick colours

    You've been so helpful thank you! Learning heaps :) We have 9 beautiful babies now. The newest ones are white too. She still has 14 eggs under her so will check in the morning and see how they've gone overnight
  16. K

    Chick colours

    Also wondering about crests? The neighbours have 4 roosters but only the polish comes over here and I've seen here with him free ranging etc Would polish chick's at a day old have a fluffier top of their head where the crest will be or does that come in after a few weeks once the fluff starts...
  17. K

    Chick colours

    I love colour genetics but have mostly focussed on horses so loving the chicken ones She as 7 now one just hatched in front of me All the eggs are hers they are easy to tell apart from our others.
  18. K

    Chick colours

    That's really interesting I've never looked into genetics of the colours before. She's on 23 eggs one I don't think is any good and the others I have candled since a week ago so will be interesting to see how many hatch Really appreciate your help. Such a great morning 🐣❤️
  19. K

    Chick colours

    These 2 are next one little black baby that's very cute and another light with 2 black smudges in her head!
  20. K

    Chick colours

    Perfect!!! They are pets so will stay here with us ❤️ all 16 of ours have names etc so these will too. Now to hope there's more hens than roosters 🙈🤣🥴
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