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  1. B

    Chicken not eating food-Help please!

    Suspected maybe sour crop because the crop is squishy, but it's not full at all. Just won't eat regular food. I have been feeding her scrambled egg and she is eating that up. 3 year old golden comet. She lays very large and somewhat bumpy eggs recently so this has me concerned. She pooped...
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    Should I put her down?

    Thanks all. I was planning on put her down this morning but she passed while we were at Thanksgiving dinner. Sadly my 3 oldest kids went to check on her first so my 6 year old girl burst into tears about losing Chocolate so it was a rough night. I would do a necropsy, but I don't have the time...
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    Should I put her down?

    See the prior thread for pictures and some historical details: She's not eating at all now and I don't see any poop-she stays almost always asleep and lethargic at this point...
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    Chicken Seriously Sick-Not sure what it is-please help!

    I hear you. She's not eating hardly anything at all but she's drinking water a lot. I don't think she's going to make it honestly.
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    Chicken Seriously Sick-Not sure what it is-please help!

    Or any other ideas on what next to try to assess?
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    Chicken Seriously Sick-Not sure what it is-please help!

    She is still not doing well. I found her out in her little pen tonight lying on her side and lethargic. How many times should I administer valbazen to her? @TillyPeeps
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    Chicken Seriously Sick-Not sure what it is-please help!

    Thanks. I'll try, she's definitely not doing well.
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    Chicken Seriously Sick-Not sure what it is-please help!

    Is there any non drug versions of deworming? I have never dewormed them.
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    Chicken Seriously Sick-Not sure what it is-please help!

    1 year old Plymouth Rock. Appeared to maybe have an impacted crop 5 days ago so isolated, gave her olive oil and massaged and it appears to have gone away. Still, the chicken appears listless, stands basically still and will rest her eyes significantly. Comb appears whiter than her sisters and...
  10. B

    Should I eat this chicken? Advice please

    Yeah he had been crowing for about 2 or 3 months (about 6 mo old or so). He and his brothers have been awkwardly mating the hens for a few months as well. They are starting to get better at it at this point. I'm going to pressure cook it to be on the 'safe side'. Thanks Morrigan!
  11. B

    Should I eat this chicken? Advice please

    Thanks Morrigan. Blue Jersey Giants don't mature as fast as other birds-in fact, it takes them about a year and a half to reach full size and about 9 months to reach maturity. I assumed due to this that being a bit older was the right choice. Does that make a difference here? This isn't...
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    Should I eat this chicken? Advice please

    Thanks a lot FunClucks. The rooster is about 9 months old and it's a blue jersey giant. I did rinse it excessively. Appreciate the link!
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    Should I eat this chicken? Advice please

    Butchered my first chicken, a rooster that needed to go. Used a cone and a pen blade knife I bought on Amazon. I believe I didn't quite cut deeply enough as it took a little while longer than expected for the poor bird to completely pass (next time, I'll try to strike deeper. I expected the...
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    My roo won’t go in his house

    Yeah there is some definite ventilation issues there. Chickens are much more likely to die from moisture or bad air than cold.
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    I think this one is gonna be fine.
  16. B

    Feather picking strategy anyone ?

    Not an expert here but I think you can just buy the medicated variety, but beware that it can cause some vitamin deficiencies. Honestly, I don't think that the space is too small for the number of birds you have.
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    Hen acting like it’s in a deep sleep but is responsive

    I highly doubt that acid levels being off is the only problem here. Not sure what it is, but seems like a bit more than that.
  18. B

    Fox attack

    Not a super expert here but does seem like shock-I have heard electrolytes are good for a bird at this stage and keeping her in a calm low lit place. Good luck!
  19. B

    Only laying yokes last 3 days and now looking sick

    That sounds serious-I don't know what to do but I'm sorry you may need to mentally prepare yourself about losing your hen :(
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