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  1. dmadden3

    First TIme With Chicks...and loving it.

    Hi OldChickenlady-- To quickly answer your question--We are doing much to hide the chicks since I can't see many neighbors from my yard. The chicks are pretty far away--in a fenced in area surronded by woods. The neighbors probably don't know that we aren't aloud to have any--so I sure won't...
  2. dmadden3

    New "Mommy" here with lots of questions.

    Thanks for all the great advice. We had the chicks outside yesterday while we were gone for a while. When we got home there was just 5 chicks not 6. Can not find a trace of the 6th one anywhere. Lots of Hawks flying around though. Needless to say our babies are staying inside today--we have...
  3. dmadden3

    New "Mommy" here with lots of questions.

    Hi all. I live in Goodlettsville tn and we are just starting on our road to chicken ownership ( not quite legally but they will have to get over that) . We currently own 6 hens--pullets. THey are all still living in our garage in rubber made containers and get to go outside supervised for a...
  4. dmadden3

    Chicken Morning - Pictorial

    Love the pics. Just getiing started here, so I love looking at pictures. Waiting for the babies to grow and become hens is worse than a child waiting on Christmas morning.
  5. dmadden3

    First TIme With Chicks...and loving it.

    My boys and I have been talking about having chickens for over a year(since I started going to a farm and spending $4 on a dozen fresh egss) My husband finally got on bard about 2 months ago. We now have a hen house built with fencing around it and it was time to go get the babies. We found a...
  6. dmadden3


    Hi All. I live outside of Nashville- Just North. We have 7 chickens in a brooder right now in our garage, and a coop outside waiting for them. They are so cute and we are very excited to add them to our family and to eventually have our own eggs right in our back yard--but we have just found...
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