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  1. K

    Reply to review by 'KellyKrider611' on item 'American Bresse'

    I got my chicks from Bresse Farms in Mississippi. On 9/21/2023. I also got a Roo and a Hen from a lady already grown that were born December 2023. Hen lays Medium to large cream eggs. Waiting to see how they all do. Any suggestions on feed and care?
  2. K

    Plymouth Rock Roo and White Rock Hen?

    Thank you. I think it means mostly white??
  3. K

    Plymouth Rock Roo and White Rock Hen?

    If I breed my Plymouth Barred Roo with my White Rock hen, what would be the result? Would there be a mix of each black and some solid white?
  4. K

    Breeding Barred Plymouth Rocks together.

    I have a Plymouth Bard Rock Roo and a White Barred Rock hen. Wondering if I hatch some eggs, what the chicks will look like?
  5. K

    Barred Rock/Isa Brown Cross? Anyone have any?

    I hatched 2 in the incubator that are whitish and one has a couple of black spots. My hens hatched 5 and 4 are black, one with white spots all over and one has white dot on the top of its head, one look’s white like the one we hatched. ISA Brown Hen with Bard Rock Roo
  6. K

    My chicken got tangled in a fly strip!

    I used coconut oil and it worked great!! Then used dawn to wash their area and rinsed. My young Roo had the fly strip stuck pretty good. But the coconut oil worked amazing!
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